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Milestone TOLBase Revitalization

15 years late (Dec 24, 2009, 11:00:00 PM)


Total number of tickets: 43 - closed: 29 - active: 14

ASCII data files

1 / 1

Excel API

0 / 1


2 / 8


25 / 32


1 / 1

TOLBase should be updated in order to use Tk 8.5 this will provide a better native look in windows and linux.

In order to change from Tk 8.4 to Tk 8.5 we must compile BLT 3.0 because BLT 2.4z is not compatible with Tk 8.5.

BLT is the extension provinding the graphics capabilities.

In this moment TOLBase is using the BLT's version number 2.4z which has not being updated since 2002.

From BLT we are using blt::graph and blt::hiertable. There is an equivalent tree widget that is mantained from de TCT which has a better look than hiertable. This alternative tree widget is TkTreeCtrl

  • Create a branch TOLBase_Tk85 for tolbase
  • package require Tk 8.5
  • compile blt 3.0 for windows and linux
  • substitute blt 2.4z for blt 3.0: fix bugs related to graph
  • update byswidget depending on blt::hiertable
Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.