May 25, 2005:
- 11:10 PM Ticket #270 (Include BST removes tailing spaces of text elements) created by
- See next example. When using IncludeBST, it's expected to get set …
May 24, 2005:
- 10:34 AM Ticket #269 (Error de interseccion en TimeSets) created by
- Tengo un problema a la hora de intersecar timesets cuando el resultado …
May 23, 2005:
- 2:00 PM Ticket #268 (A random fatal error makes to crash compilation of tol.dll) created by
- Usually when I compile tol.dll happens a random fatal error like this: …
- 9:52 AM Ticket #267 (FormatDate()) closed by
- fixed: This bug is fully related with bug 259. When I worked in this last …
- 8:54 AM Ticket #267 (FormatDate()) created by
- The mask "%c%Y/%m/%d%u %h:%i:%s" does not work correctly. Before: …
May 20, 2005:
- 4:10 PM Ticket #266 (Decopile in 'Archivos incluidos' window with F8) created by
- It would be very usefull a shortcut to 'decompile archive' in the …
May 18, 2005:
- 6:31 PM Ticket #263 (No casting is performed over an element of a Set) closed by
- fixed: Bug fixed. This bug was discussed in "Usuarios-Tol" at …
- 6:10 PM Ticket #264 (Error in the Estmate) closed by
- fixed: Bug fixed. Discussed in "Usuarios-Tol" at "lists.tol-project.org": …
- 5:26 PM Ticket #265 (Set and SetOfPolyn) closed by
- duplicate: This bug is the same as #263, reported few minutes ago. * This bug …
- 5:19 PM Ticket #265 (Set and SetOfPolyn) created by
- Dear, In the code Set written as 1? recognizes it like SetofReal …
- 5:03 PM Ticket #264 (Error in the Estmate) created by
- Dear, The Estimate Commander of The TolBase go down out : when the …
- 5:01 PM Ticket #263 (No casting is performed over an element of a Set) created by
- In the code below Tol behaives different when an object is an ordinary …
May 16, 2005:
- 10:45 AM Ticket #260 (Same TimeSet in input and output makes Estimate to crash) closed by
- invalid: Ave Cesar Well, it's a very old problem to handle with virtual …
May 13, 2005:
- 1:49 PM Ticket #262 (Different out grammar makes TOL to crash with FindCode) closed by
- fixed: Was a null pointer exception in Symbol Table. I left there after the …
- 1:08 PM Ticket #262 (Different out grammar makes TOL to crash with FindCode) created by
- Following code: …
May 12, 2005:
- 10:41 AM Ticket #259 (First date of any year, in any Serie, is not stored in DDBB) closed by
- fixed: This bug has been resolved and fixed.
- 10:37 AM Ticket #254 (Error en la sentencia interseccion de conjuntos) closed by
- fixed: This error has been resolved. Sets Intersection must verify if the …
- 10:06 AM Ticket #261 (Union of Sets doesn't work) closed by
- invalid: This is not a bug. A bug could be that the result Set hasn't been sorted.
- 9:56 AM Ticket #261 (Union of Sets doesn't work) created by
- Given the code: Real divisibleX8(Real x) { x % 8 == 0 }; Real …
May 11, 2005:
- 10:24 PM Ticket #260 (Same TimeSet in input and output makes Estimate to crash) created by
- If we use this code: …
May 10, 2005:
- 5:29 PM Ticket #259 (First date of any year, in any Serie, is not stored in DDBB) created by
- Next code: Struct DBStructMySQL { Text driver, Text database, Text …
- 9:03 AM Ticket #258 (TimeSet tm = WD(6)*WD(7); Calendar Expert breaks down TOL.) created by
- TimeSet tm = WD(6)+WD(7); Calendar Works If the times set is empty …
May 9, 2005:
- 7:05 PM Ticket #257 (DBCreateSeriesTable doesn't work) closed by
- fixed: The date format string, of DBCreateSeriesTable, was wrong. What a …
- 4:54 PM Ticket #257 (DBCreateSeriesTable doesn't work) created by
- Tol has an API to talk to Databases, one of the functions, used to …
- 2:16 PM Ticket #256 (New graphic options) created by
- Hi tol base team, new graphics options can be developed at two …
Apr 26, 2005:
- 10:54 AM Ticket #255 (DBTableColumn Prefix) created by
- The function does not allow anything but Text to fill the Prefix and …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.