Sep 15, 2005:
- 2:59 PM Ticket #300 (Unknow data type bigint in ODBC to MySQL) reopened by
- Over the same table if we do the next query Set DBTable("select …
- 2:17 PM Ticket #306 (Error in DBTableColumn?) created by
- Hi, in the DBTbaleColumn function help, we can read: " Además, …
Sep 14, 2005:
- 2:09 PM Ticket #305 (SubSer error) closed by
- fixed: This bug has been fixed.. In BHash BTimeSet::GetHashBetweenH(BReal …
Sep 13, 2005:
- 6:32 PM Ticket #305 (SubSer error) created by
- This code fails: Serie ser = SubSer(CalInd(C, Diario), Today, Today); …
- 11:17 AM Ticket #300 (Unknow data type bigint in ODBC to MySQL) closed by
- fixed: To increase the information around, this is a problem under Windows, …
- 6:52 AM Ticket #303 (Error when include a bmt file) closed by
- fixed: Fixed. In effect, as you said, it was a problem in IncludeBMT …
Sep 9, 2005:
- 8:31 PM Ticket #304 (SADD TCL/TK projeto prjTelespTrafico) created by
- Estou utilizando o sadd Tcl/Tk do projeto prjTelespTrafico consigo ver …
- 6:27 PM Ticket #303 (Error when include a bmt file) created by
- If we include a bmt file, for example, c:/mat.bmt like this: …
Sep 7, 2005:
- 3:01 PM Ticket #301 (Conjunto temporal no progresivo) closed by
- fixed: This problem has been just solved. In tms.cpp, assignment from real …
- 11:54 AM Ticket #302 (Crear una tabla copiando datos de Excel) created by
- Al copiar datos de una tabla de Excel a una tabla en TolBase, …
- 10:12 AM Ticket #301 (Conjunto temporal no progresivo) created by
- The following code yield the bug "Conjunto temporal no progresivo. El …
Sep 6, 2005:
- 11:50 PM Ticket #300 (Unknow data type bigint in ODBC to MySQL) created by
- When consulting over a field of type bigint from a MySql database, …
- 4:13 PM Ticket #299 (Dont connecting by tol to mysql database) created by
- this code dont let mi connect to tatabase (MySql) Struct …
- 3:55 PM Ticket #298 (Error en la inserción de ficheros bst) created by
- Cuando se lee una bst, los ";" determinan los campos. Pero si existe …
- 3:52 PM Ticket #297 (Error en la función TextMatch) created by
- La función TextMatch de TOL no funciona bien: Real …
- 3:48 PM Ticket #293 (Error en el fechado Mes 445) closed by
- fixed: Tanto a mí como a Jorge nos funciona perfectamente el código dando …
- 3:37 PM Ticket #296 (non-recognized types of fields in a query to MySql) created by
- TOL doesn´t recognize a "count" operation as a real type data. If you …
- 11:38 AM Ticket #293 (Error en el fechado Mes 445) reopened by
- En la ultima version se reviso para mejorar la eficiencia de ciertas …
- 10:11 AM Ticket #295 (Types nonrecognized in MySql) created by
- Hi, when executing the query Text query = " select c.table_name …
- 8:37 AM Ticket #294 (Types nonrecognized in MySql) created by
- Hi, when executing the query Text query = " select c.table_name …
Sep 1, 2005:
- 11:32 AM Ticket #293 (Error en el fechado Mes 445) closed by
- fixed: There were various errors in design and implementation of all methods …
Aug 31, 2005:
- 4:26 PM Ticket #293 (Error en el fechado Mes 445) created by
- Tengo el fechado CtMes445. Cuando lo veo en el calendario me lo hace …
Aug 29, 2005:
- 9:33 AM Ticket #292 (Estimate produces huge residuals when RelativeTolerance=0.0001) closed by
- invalid: Well Alfonso I've analyzed your TOL code and I want notice you two …
Aug 26, 2005:
- 12:04 PM Ticket #292 (Estimate produces huge residuals when RelativeTolerance=0.0001) created by
- Estimate produces huge residuals when RelativeTolerance is set to …
Aug 23, 2005:
- 4:44 PM Ticket #291 (BDT Inclusion from Network Path) created by
- I included a BDT file from a network location and when I right-click …
Aug 20, 2005:
- 3:42 PM Ticket #290 (Error in SetOfText) created by
- Error in SetOfText when exist comments into expression. Example: Set …
Note: See TracTimeline
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