close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Dec 9, 2005:

8:34 AM Ticket #340 (Statistic function in DatCh) created by Alfredo Torre
The third parametrer of DatCh function is a Code, an statistic code …

Dec 5, 2005:

9:48 AM Ticket #203 (ERROR in ToName functions) closed by danirus
fixed: Bug fixed. Some examples: Text t1 = ToName("1id"); --> "_1id" Text …

Nov 30, 2005:

11:17 AM Ticket #142 (IsUnknown only takes reals) closed by danirus
fixed: After an open discussion (in spanish) about this bug, accesible in: …

Nov 25, 2005:

1:53 PM Ticket #339 (Problem matrix graphic) created by jcolombo
I have a problem upon trying do a graphic of a matrix. See the code …

Nov 24, 2005:

6:29 PM Ticket #338 (problem with the conjugation complex) closed by Christian Paz
fixed: The parser was modified to recognize ~ as a valid symbol and as a …
1:08 PM Ticket #338 (problem with the conjugation complex) created by jcolombo
the conjugation function is not working in the correct way. See …

Nov 23, 2005:

9:25 AM Ticket #337 (ODBC Types and Databases in Teradata) created by Javier Portugal
With CVS version when using DBSeriesXXX o DBTable with columns of type …

Nov 18, 2005:

12:17 PM Ticket #336 (ERROR: (Funcion DBSeriesTable)) created by majalvo
Al ejecutar la función DBSeriesTable me devuelve el siguiente error: …

Nov 16, 2005:

11:43 AM Ticket #335 (Include with F11 (Eval Window)) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved.

Nov 15, 2005:

9:11 AM Ticket #333 (functions associated to Object Inspector elements) closed by Javier Portugal
fixed: Modified function MakeAnyGlobal. If already exists an object with …

Nov 14, 2005:

4:33 PM Ticket #335 (Include with F11 (Eval Window)) created by sdelfresno
Please, compile the following code in the Eval Window: Set …

Nov 10, 2005:

12:16 PM Ticket #334 (Problem with Replace All) created by Christian Paz
Create a file with the text: "viva vida" make Replace All of "vi" …
12:04 PM Ticket #310 (Not Allowed Series names in DBSeries* functions) reopened by sdelfresno
Now, the following TOL code gives error: Text getSrSql = "select …
9:12 AM Ticket #319 (Struct function can yield a TOL failure) reopened by imendez
Hi, I'm very disappointed. I'll try to make all the necessary structs …

Nov 9, 2005:

2:10 PM Ticket #319 (Struct function can yield a TOL failure) closed by danirus
invalid: This enhancement has been finally rejected. The reason is that there …
1:45 PM Ticket #310 (Not Allowed Series names in DBSeries* functions) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. Now, using DBSeriesXXX functions it's not …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.