close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


May 29, 2006:

3:09 PM Ticket #402 (Strange Variable Names in TolBase after executing a BinGroup) created by Christian Paz
This is a kind of strange problem, I think it has to be with the …

May 27, 2006:

8:22 AM Ticket #401 (fail in IncludeBST with 10 fields or more) closed by Jorge
fixed: - the array start at size 10 - overflow test was (n>txt.Size()) and …

May 26, 2006:

8:41 PM Ticket #401 (fail in IncludeBST with 10 fields or more) created by Jorge
Create a bst file "dates.bst" with : …
8:46 AM Ticket #400 (Void cells in bdt's causes bad series reading) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
When something like ..;1;;3;... appears in a BDT TOL reads .. 1 3 …

May 24, 2006:

4:44 PM Ticket #399 (Optional auto-scaling of variables as estimate enhancement) created by jimarin
Hi there, I think it would be of value to let Estimate function to …

May 23, 2006:

8:47 AM Ticket #336 (ERROR: (Funcion DBSeriesTable)) closed by danirus
fixed: From now on and just until the next release of Tol (not the nightly …

May 15, 2006:

10:49 AM Ticket #242 (Capture information of a destroyed object) closed by Jorge
fixed: with the current development line this report is fixed
10:36 AM Ticket #81 (Dates of Estimate) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Hello, sorry for so large delaying Internal behaviour of Estimate is …
10:28 AM Ticket #224 (error when estimating with a bad defined AR or MA set of Polyn) closed by Jorge
fixed: now tol does not crash. the bug was related to missing data at the …
10:17 AM Ticket #224 (error when estimating with a bad defined AR or MA set of Polyn) reopened by Jorge
reopen for 1.1.4
9:21 AM Ticket #222 (About NIntegrate function...) closed by Jorge
fixed: with the development code the sample provided gives the correct results.
9:19 AM Ticket #221 (Problemas con SumS) reopened by Jorge
8:40 AM Ticket #268 (A random fatal error makes to crash compilation of tol.dll) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: I've had similar problems with this and other projects on different …
8:31 AM Ticket #290 (Error in SetOfText) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Sorry, I cannot reproduce this error. I suppose that it has been …
8:20 AM Ticket #298 (Error en la inserción de ficheros bst) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Bug has been fixed. Now you can use quoted strings into BST fields, …

May 12, 2006:

4:26 PM Ticket #398 (B operator malfunctioning) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been solved in CVS. In non bounded basic dating's that …

May 11, 2006:

9:07 PM Ticket #398 (B operator malfunctioning) created by iizquierdo
Hi guys, We reporte a bug on the B operator. The version we use is …
6:58 PM Ticket #187 (Some errors with "Range" function) reopened by imendez
Yes, I reported this bug specifying that the OS is Windows2000. Could …
5:10 PM Ticket #188 (Opening non-existing files from command line) closed by Jorge
fixed: I tried it like this: tolbase -i kk.tol and it was as expected.
5:06 PM Ticket #187 (Some errors with "Range" function) closed by Jorge
fixed: must be tested on windows! on linux the code provided succeed.

May 10, 2006:

3:03 PM Ticket #397 (tol.exe crashes when a compound expression is passed by command line ...) created by jimarin
tol.exe -c "Date a=y2000, Date b=y2001;" crashes. It should issue …
2:54 PM Ticket #396 (FormatReal's enhancement: decimal symbol) created by Alfredo Torre
Could it be posible to improve FormatReals functions (I mean …

May 9, 2006:

9:03 PM Ticket #395 (EditMaster Problem) created by Christian Paz
Hello, When you have a Table with a foreign key, after deleting a …
5:26 PM Ticket #135 (Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format) closed by Jorge
later: The methods are applied to a Set of "objects" in general not a Set of …
5:03 PM Ticket #52 (Density Functions Correction) closed by Jorge
fixed: Fixed. Just a few comments: The Gamma density use parameter scale …
2:25 PM Ticket #1 (frecuency function looses a unit after second period.) closed by Jorge
fixed: See the results where all intervals have the same length = 9.9 Matrix …
10:51 AM Ticket #91 (hidden virtual function) closed by Jorge
wontfix: visual c & gcc does not complaint about that.
10:03 AM Ticket #62 (Problema de la funci� GibbsSampler) closed by Jorge
later: marked as LATER because the new function MetropolisHastings solve this …
9:17 AM Ticket #312 (An improvement for TextToDate function) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Bug has been fixed in CVS. Please, read TextToDate description in …
8:44 AM Ticket #394 (Decompile a TimeSet expression is not working) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed with last TimeSet improvement. Thanks to report

May 8, 2006:

6:53 AM Ticket #394 (Decompile a TimeSet expression is not working) created by César Pérez Álvarez
If we try to compile and decompile this expression is not working well …

May 5, 2006:

2:14 PM Ticket #393 (Error Messages provenient from Database) created by Christian Paz
Hello, I would like to suggest that TOL always could show the …
10:35 AM Ticket #362 (crash in tol::info reference) closed by Jorge
fixed: fixed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.