Jun 14, 2006:
- 3:21 PM Ticket #406 (_DEFAULT_HEADER in BSTFile) created by
- When executing: Set BSTFile( [[1,2,3? ]] ) I expect the output …
Jun 12, 2006:
- 5:45 PM Ticket #405 (wrong message of error in enclosing columns) closed by
- fixed: Thanks for your submission Iván.
Jun 8, 2006:
- 6:18 PM Ticket #405 (wrong message of error in enclosing columns) created by
- Hi, when two sets can't be merged by their columns, the error message …
Jun 7, 2006:
- 9:15 AM Ticket #404 (confusion with the quotes when a Set contains comments) created by
- Hi, when a Set contains commented texts, the Text type elements have a …
Jun 6, 2006:
- 5:30 PM Ticket #403 (Several problems with F7, F8 and F9) created by
- Hi, I can't reproduce the next errors, but I'm sure they occur: 1.- I …
May 29, 2006:
- 3:09 PM Ticket #402 (Strange Variable Names in TolBase after executing a BinGroup) created by
- This is a kind of strange problem, I think it has to be with the …
May 27, 2006:
- 8:22 AM Ticket #401 (fail in IncludeBST with 10 fields or more) closed by
- fixed: - the array start at size 10 - overflow test was (n>txt.Size()) and …
May 26, 2006:
- 8:41 PM Ticket #401 (fail in IncludeBST with 10 fields or more) created by
- Create a bst file "dates.bst" with : …
- 8:46 AM Ticket #400 (Void cells in bdt's causes bad series reading) created by
- When something like ..;1;;3;... appears in a BDT TOL reads .. 1 3 …
May 24, 2006:
- 4:44 PM Ticket #399 (Optional auto-scaling of variables as estimate enhancement) created by
- Hi there, I think it would be of value to let Estimate function to …
May 23, 2006:
- 8:47 AM Ticket #336 (ERROR: (Funcion DBSeriesTable)) closed by
- fixed: From now on and just until the next release of Tol (not the nightly …
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