close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Sep 14, 2007:

10:49 AM Ticket #508 (Iterations number report) created by lmperez
I need that the estimate function answer my the iterations number that …

Sep 5, 2007:

8:37 AM Ticket #506 (tol crash in constrained multinormal generation with an ...) closed by Jorge
fixed: There was an uninitialized pointer generating and invalid free.

Sep 4, 2007:

9:35 PM Ticket #507 (GibbsConstrainedMNormal fails when using SVD) closed by Jorge
fixed: FIXED! there was a bug with a diagonal matrix multiplication.
12:00 PM Ticket #507 (GibbsConstrainedMNormal fails when using SVD) created by Jorge
The sample generated with test3.tol does not fulfill the constrints …

Sep 2, 2007:

6:31 PM Ticket #506 (tol crash in constrained multinormal generation with an ...) created by Jorge
Executing test.tol the following is obtained: <W> Warning: [1] [GSL …

Aug 28, 2007:

3:21 PM Ticket #504 (Methods() function) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: This bug has been fixed in CVS (1.1.5 and head) Problem was an …
3:11 PM Ticket #505 (Median() function and the unknown real number) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: This bug has been fixed in CVS (1.1.5 and head) all sorting statistics …
11:45 AM Ticket #505 (Median() function and the unknown real number) created by Pedro Gea
Median with unknown real numbers depends on the order of the numbers. …
11:30 AM Ticket #504 (Methods() function) created by Pedro Gea
Write 'Set Methods("");' et voilá! Neither 'Set Methods("Real");' …
12:03 AM Ticket #503 (Kernel function makes TOL to crash) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: There was an error in the updating of the system for each iteration, …

Aug 27, 2007:

10:42 PM Ticket #503 (Kernel function makes TOL to crash) reopened by César Pérez Álvarez
Now, this code does not crash TOL Matrix A = SetMat(SetOfSet ( …
9:38 AM Ticket #503 (Kernel function makes TOL to crash) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS in both versions 1.1.5 (official) and …
8:45 AM Ticket #502 (PutDateFormat functions doesn't works) closed by danirus
fixed: Name() method from BDate class [1] didn't use the defect_ attribute of …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.