close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Jun 13, 2008:

10:15 PM Ticket #588 (Eliminación indebida de elementos desconocidos al final de una serie) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Una serie temporal es infinita por definición, y además en ambos …
5:15 PM Ticket #589 (Función SubSer no devuelve el valor desconocido por cada fecha perdida) created by jldflores
En la descripción de la función SubSer, dice que devuelve el valor …
5:00 PM Ticket #588 (Eliminación indebida de elementos desconocidos al final de una serie) created by jldflores
Ejemplo de código donde se manifiesta Serie s1 = …

Jun 11, 2008:

3:55 PM Ticket #587 (Function 'FactorizePolyn' fails) created by lcereceda
Dear TOL Developers, The following code: …

May 31, 2008:

5:58 PM Ticket #586 (Applying Matrix methods to VMatrix) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
All methods (table, chart, ...) of type Matrix should be applyied to …
9:08 AM Ticket #585 (CholeskiSolve fails with a Cholmod.R.Factor L system) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
CHOLMOD solving of Choleski system L x = b fails in some cases, as …

May 20, 2008:

7:55 AM Ticket #584 (Combination error) created by Jorge Conde
The "Combination" function returns a wrong object when the second …

May 19, 2008:

7:29 AM Ticket #567 (Expand a Ratio makes TOL to crash) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS Current algorithm of finite expansion …
7:22 AM Ticket #564 (Error in Passing Code objects as parameters) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS

May 17, 2008:

7:09 AM Ticket #583 (Matrix DifEq returns emty matrix) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Error has been fixed in CVS

May 16, 2008:

5:10 PM Ticket #583 (Matrix DifEq returns emty matrix) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
This line returns a 0x0 matrix with CVS HEAD TOL Matrix …
9:13 AM Ticket #582 (strange behaviour in CountS) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been solved in CVS
8:51 AM Ticket #579 (Error in PutValue for Series) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: I think that problem has been solved for bounded case. In no bounded …
8:10 AM Ticket #573 (Confussion in Matrix * Matrix expression) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS
7:13 AM Ticket #582 (strange behaviour in CountS) created by lmartiles
The first CountS reports 100 items while the second 110 Serie s1 = …

May 15, 2008:

5:16 PM Ticket #581 (Wrong including when including a project with IncludePrj) created by Christian Paz
When using IncludePrj to include a project, it reads the section …

May 14, 2008:

3:36 PM Ticket #580 (crash errors related to decompilation and MakeGlobal) created by Pedro Gea
I usually find critical errors in TolBase 1.1.6 that make TOL to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.