close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Jul 16, 2008:

1:44 PM Ticket #596 (Fail in low order ARMATACov (and ARMAACov)) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS (1.1.6 and HEAD)
11:18 AM Ticket #596 (Fail in low order ARMATACov (and ARMAACov)) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
Function ARMATACov returns different values of first autocovariances …

Jul 10, 2008:

11:23 AM Ticket #591 (Gazapo en el nombre de un parámetro de la función SubCol) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
9:30 AM Ticket #594 (Runtime error re-compiling global variables) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
duplicate: This the same case of bug 580 (subcase error1.tol) * This bug has …
9:28 AM Ticket #580 (crash errors related to decompilation and MakeGlobal) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem in error1.tol has been fixed in CVS for both 1.1.6 and head …

Jul 7, 2008:

10:59 AM Ticket #595 (Partial Autocorrelation graphic extends too long) created by cperales
The Partial Autocorrelation graphic of a short Serie (for example, …

Jul 1, 2008:

11:59 AM Ticket #592 (Dosen't work with null) closed by danirus
worksforme: As far as I can tell you, there's nothing wrong apart from what I …

Jun 24, 2008:

6:57 PM Ticket #594 (Runtime error re-compiling global variables) created by Iván Robles
When i compile the following code, decompile, and re-compile, tol …

Jun 19, 2008:

9:23 AM Ticket #593 (DBSeriesColumn doesn't work with null) created by mdiaz
DBSeriesColumn dosen't work. Try to run this code, C1 takes the value …
8:17 AM Ticket #592 (Dosen't work with null) created by mdiaz
DBSeriesColumn dosen't work. Try to run this code, C1 takes the value …

Jun 18, 2008:

5:13 PM Ticket #591 (Gazapo en el nombre de un parámetro de la función SubCol) created by jldflores
El nombre del parámetro Set indiceDeFilas, para extraer de la matriz …

Jun 16, 2008:

6:16 PM Ticket #590 (Function BDBOpen in Tol 1.1.6) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS for HEAD (1.1.7) and 1.1.6 versions
5:15 PM Ticket #590 (Function BDBOpen in Tol 1.1.6) created by Javier Portugal
This code raises an error in TOL 1.1.6 while in TOL 1.1.5 works …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.