close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Aug 17, 2015:

11:13 AM Ticket #1867 (Problema con funcion ToChgFlow_Vavr_DAll_Tms) closed by Pedro Gea
8:04 AM Ticket #1867 (Problema con funcion ToChgFlow_Vavr_DAll_Tms) created by mruiz
La funcion ToChgFlow_Vavr_DAll_Tms, que esta en: […] se utiliza …

Jul 31, 2015:

10:38 AM Ticket #1866 (Compilar TOL para 64-bits) created by Jorge
Para la integaración de TOL con R de azure y oracle se require de una …

Jul 28, 2015:

7:25 PM Ticket #1865 (sustituir clapack por lapacke) created by Jorge
Estudiar si podemos sustiuir clapack por lapacke. Esto es para …

Jul 27, 2015:

9:25 AM Ticket #1864 (Error con conexión a BBDD) created by Alejandro
Se encuentra el siguiente error: […] al utilizar la última versión …

Jul 25, 2015:

7:42 AM Ticket #1863 (MSYS + RTOOL development environment) created by Jorge
Describe how to setup a development environment based on MSYS + RTools

Jul 24, 2015:

8:21 AM Ticket #1862 (Errores en un entorno con la consola de Windows bloqueada) created by Manuel Locubiche Malaxechevarria
Se encuentran diversos errores al ejecutar tareas sencillas con …

Jul 22, 2015:

9:34 AM Ticket #1861 (Contribs for Rtools + 64 bits) created by Jorge
It is required to create the contrib for 64 bits with Rtools.
9:33 AM Ticket #1818 (Cmpilar contribs con Rtools) closed by Jorge
fixed: The compilation notes for contrib's bundle are attached to this ticket.

Jul 20, 2015:

7:43 AM Ticket #1860 (Linux Installer) created by Jorge
We must prepare based on CMake + CPack the installer for Linux. At …
7:39 AM CentOS6.x_Install.txt attached to LinuxDevelEnvironment by Jorge
7:39 AM LinuxDevelEnvironment edited by Jorge
7:36 AM LinuxDevelEnvironment created by Jorge
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.