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Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of CompileMINGW32

Jan 29, 2015, 11:39:31 AM (10 years ago)



  • CompileMINGW32

    v6 v7  
    14 Next install the required pakages and tools as describe below.
     14Next install the required packages and tools as described below.
    1616=== Subversion ===
    2626TOL depends on a set of external libraries provided by the open source community. All this libraries has been compiled with Rtool and packaged in a bundle. This package can be downloaded from [ TOL_DEVEL_MINGW32]. This package must be unpacked, for instance under {{{c:\users\toldevel}}}
    2728=== Rtools ===
     30[ Rtools] is a set of tools to compile R packages and R itself. We have chosen this tools to compile also TOL in order to make smoother the integration between TOL and R. You can download it from [ Rtools download]. When installing accept all the suggested path and installation options.
     32One more step is required, we need to download [ mingw32-make.exe] and install it to {{{C:\Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\bin\}}}.
    2934=== CodeLite ===
    3136We recommend [ CodeLite] as a good IDE to develop TOL in windows because CMake is able to generate native workspace from the CMake configuration files. The configuration described next requires the instalation of this IDE which can be downloaded from [ CodeLite download]. While installing it is not required to install the mingw32 compiler as we are going to use the compiler from Rtools.
     38=== Download source code of TOL ===
     40The source code of TOL can be downloaded with svn. For instance the main development branch (trunk) can be downloaded like:
     43cd c:\users\toldevel
     44svn co
     48=== Configuration of build process ===
     50The build process is configured with CMake. The first step is to create the build directory where the CodeLite workspace and Makefile will be generated:
     53mkdir c:\users\toldevel\trunk\Build\CodeLite\Debug
     54mkdir c:\users\toldevel\trunk\Build\CodeLite\Release
     57Next move into the Debug directory and configure to build the debug flavor of TOL
     60cd c:\users\toldevel\trunk\Build\CodeLite\Debug
     61cmake -DTOL_EXTERNAL_DEVEL_DIR=C:/users/toldevel/TOL_DEVEL_MINGW32 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G"CodeLite - MinGW Makefiles" c:/users/toldevel/trunk/tol
     64The release flavor is configured like:
     67cd c:\users\toldevel\trunk\Build\CodeLite\Debug
     68cmake -DTOL_EXTERNAL_DEVEL_DIR=C:/users/toldevel/TOL_DEVEL_MINGW32 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G"CodeLite - MinGW Makefiles" c:/users/toldevel/trunk/tol
     71At dis point we can run CodeLite IDE and open any of the workspaces generated at {{{Build\CodeLite\Debug}}} or {{{Build\CodeLite\Release}}}