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Version 26 (modified by Víctor de Buen Remiro, 16 years ago) (diff)



ApparitionStatusName Description Download
unreleased DevelopmentTol.2.0.1Tarjets? Win32 Installer
2009-02-25 Official Tol.1.1.7 What is new Win32 Installer
2007-11-13 UnmantainedTol.1.1.6What was newWin32 Installer
2007-02-22 UnmantainedTol.1.1.5What was newWin32 Installer
2006-11-11 UnmantainedTol.1.1.4What was newWin32 Installer
2005-02-16 UnmantainedTol.1.1.3What was newWin32 Installer
2003-03-05 UnmantainedTol.1.1.2What was newWin32 Installer
2001-04-07 UnmantainedTol.1.1.1What was newWin32 Installer