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Version 2 (modified by Pedro Gea, 9 years ago) (diff)



ExcelFlowExpand is a TOL package that provides an Excel add-in to change the dating for time series of flow type.

This add-in uses TOL (in background) via the vbtol library (vbtol.dll) and therefore it requires a TOL installation.

Add-in Installation

For using this add-in, there are two software requirements:

  • Provide an Excel installation. Version 2007 (v12.0) onwards.
  • Install TOL (if you have not already done so). See Download and Installation.

Then, the add-in installation needs of the following steps:

  • Install the package ExcelFlowExpand.
  • Copy the add-in (XLAM file) to an Excel add-in folder.
  • Activate the add-in in Excel.
  • Create an environment variable indicating where TOL is installed.

These steps can be done in two ways: manually or running a TOL code.

The steps via TOL

// Install the package ExcelFlowExpand. It requires a internet connection.
#Require ExcelFlowExpand;

// Copy the add-in (XLAM file) to the user default add-in folder.
Real ExcelFlowExpand::Install(?);

// Activate the add-in.
Real ExcelFlowExpand::Activate(?);

// Write the environment variable VBTOL_PATH with the local value of Text TOLSH_PATH.
Real ExcelFlowExpand::SetCurrentAsVBTOL(?);

The steps manually

Install the package ExcelFlowExpand.

The package can be install as usual anyway:

#Require ExcelFlowExpand;

Otherwise, download the zip file of the package: ExcelFlowExpand and unzip it in the TOL Package default folder:

  • TOL Package folder:
    (version numbers may be different)

After unzipping, check the resulting add-in path:
(version numbers may be different)

Copy the add-in to an Excel add-in folder

Copy the add-in (XLAM file) to an Excel add-in folder.

The add-in can be found at the package folder:

  • Add-in source folder:
    (version numbers may be different).

The destination folder can be the user default add-in folder:

Activate the add-in

The add-in activation can be done as usual.

These steps are:

  • Start Excel, and then on the Tools menu, click Add-Ins.
  • Then, in the Manage box, click Excel Add-ins, and then click Go. The Add-Ins dialog box appears.
  • In the Add-Ins available box, select the check box next to the add-in that you want to activate, and then click OK.

For more details, you can read: Add-or-remove-add-ins

Create the environment variable VBTOL_PATH

For helping the add-in to find the TOL installation, an environment variable named VBTOL_PATH should be created.

This environment variable should contain the 'bin' folder of the TOL installation.

  • TOL bin folder: %PROGRAMFILES%\Tol-Project\tol-gnu-v3.3\bin
    (version numbers may be different).
    In Windows 64-bits, probably %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% should be used instead %PROGRAMFILES%.

The TOL bin folder can also be readed from TOL variable: Text TOLSH_PATH;.

The environment variable creation can be done as usual. We recommend to create an user environment variable.

Using then environment variables window

The environment variables editing window vary from a Windows version to another.

To open it, you should follow these steps or similar: Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables.

There you can add an user environment variable indicating the name (VBTOL_PATH and the value (your own path).

Using the command setx

You can also do it executing a sentence into the Windows command line:

setx VBTOL_PATH %PROGRAMFILES%\Tol-Project\tol-gnu-v3.3\bin

(change the path with your own).