{{{ #!div style="width:15%; float:left; clear:none; margin-right:1em; background:#ffb; border:1px solid #b00; padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em" [wiki:WikiStart Home] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''TOL''' [[BR]] [wiki:Software Software] [[BR]] [wiki:Download Download] [[BR]] [wiki:Installation Installation] [[BR]] [wiki:Packages Packages] [[BR]] [wiki:OTAN OTAN] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''...''' [[BR]] }}} {{{ #!div style="margin-left:20%; margin-right:20%; padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em" = Official TOL Archive Network = OTAN (the Official TOL Archive Network) is the name of the official repository of TOL packages. For more information see [wiki:Packages]. In this page you can explore the full list of packages and its versions. In the list on the __left panel__, you can '''select a package''', then the list on the __top panel__ will show all the available versions of this package. Now, you can '''select a version''' of the package and then '''the information''' of the package will be shown on the __bottom panel__. Note that the full name of the package (on the bottom pannel) provides a link to a downloadable zip file with the corresponding package. You can click [wiki:OTAN#Header HERE] to scroll to the panels below. }}} {{{ #!html

