= BysVecLinReg = BysVecLinReg is an open source [wiki:TolPackageRulesAndComments TOL Package] published as partt of [wiki:OfficialTolArchiveNetwork Official Tol Archive Network] BysVecLinReg yields for Bayesian simulator of Vectorial Linear Regression with arbitrary constraining inequations and lineal constraining equations. The method used to solve it in this package is based on [https://www.tol-project.org/export/HEAD/tolp/OfficialTolArchiveNetwork/BysVecLinReg/doc/bayes-linear-minka.pdf Bayesian linear regression Thomas Minka (2001)] using invariant scale prior over [[LatexEquation(A)]] and inverse prior over [[LatexEquation(V)]] == Vectorial linear regression == Vectorial linear regression equations are [[BR]] [[LatexEquation(Y=A \cdot X + E)]] [[BR]] where [[BR]] * [[LatexEquation(Y\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times N} )]] is the multivariant known output matrix, where each row is a different output vector [[LatexEquation(y_{n}\in\mathbb{R}^{N} )]][[BR]] * [[LatexEquation(X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times N} )]] is the known and full rank input matrix, where each row is a different input vector [[LatexEquation(x_{n}\in\mathbb{R}^{N} )]] [[BR]] * [[LatexEquation(A\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times m} )]] has the unknown regression coefficients that we want to estimate [[BR]] * [[LatexEquation(E\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times N} )]] is the multivariant residuals, where each row is the residuals vector [[LatexEquation(e_{n}\in\mathbb{R}^{N} )]] corresponding to output [[LatexEquation(y_{n} )]] All residuals inside the same row are incorrelated normal, but resiudals in the same column [[LatexEquation(j)]] are [[BR]] [[LatexEquation(e_{.,j} \sim N\left(0,V\right) E\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d} \forall j=1 \ldots d )]][[BR]] where [[LatexEquation(V)]] is symmetric positive definite and unknown, but the same for each column.[[BR]] Minka defines also the known data pair [[LatexEquation(D = left(Y,Xright))]] that will be used just to get more compact conditioninig expressions. == Arbitrary constraining inequations == We will extend the model scope with arbitrary non null meassured restrictions over parameters inside [[LatexEquation(A)]] by means of adding a set of [[LatexEquation(r)]] inequations defining a feasible region [[BR]] [[LatexEquation(\Omega = \left\{ A\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times m} \mid F\left(A\right) \le 0 \right\})]] [[BR]] being [[BR]] [[LatexEquation( F\left(A\right):\mathbb{R}^{d\times m}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}^{r} )]] [[BR]] the arbitrary constraining function. [[BR]] == Invariant-scale prior over coefficient matrix == Although Minka not explicitly stated in any place, under the invariant prior follows that [[LatexEquation(X)]] must be full-rank [[LatexEquation(m <= N)]] because [[LatexEquation(X W X ^ T)]] must be nonsingular with [[LatexEquation(W = \alpha I_{m})]], where [[LatexEquation(\alpha)]] is the scale-invariant parameter governing the prior and estimated more forward to maximize the evidence of the data, which depends on the assumptions the model.