= Package TolIpopt = An API to [https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt Interior Point Optimization library] This package is an API for TOL end users to the system of nonlinear local optimization [https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt IPOPT (Interior Point OPTimizer)] written by Carl Laird and Andreas Wächter from the [http://www.coin-or.org/ COIN-OR] initiative: ''On the Implementation of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Filter Line Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming, Mathematical Programming 106(1), pp. 25-57, 2006'' In this version just Sparse Quadratic ({{{TolIpot::@SQP}}}) and Sparse Minimum Residuals ({{{TolIpot::@SMRS}}}) problems with linear constraints are available, but in next releases non linear problems will be allowed. [source:/tolp/OfficialTolArchiveNetwork/TolIpopt/test/test_0001/test.tol Here] there is an example of use.