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Version 4 (modified by Pedro Gea, 9 years ago) (diff)




Bla bla bla ...


The TOL kernel provides a module to manage packages: TolPackage.

This module allow TOL users to download, update or upgrade packages. It provides also utilities for creating and uploading packages. For more details, see TolPackage.

Requiring a package

TOL provides a preevaluation directive: #Require to indicate the package requeriments.

#Require <PackageName>;

When you compile a package requirement, TolPackage try to load the package, searching into the repositories, downloading it and intalling it if necessary.

Official TOL Archive Network

The official repository of TOL packages is called OTAN (Official TOL Archive Network). In this link: OTAN you can browse the full list of public packages.

Package manager in TOLBase

From version 3 onwards, TOLBase includes a graphic interface especially designed to make the management of packages easier. It can be accessed from the "Tools" menu, in the "Manage Packages..." option.

Screenshot: Package manager in TOLBase.

The interface offers a list of all available packages from all of the of the repositories to which they have access for installation, updates or upgrades.

Different package states are displayed in the form of various different icons:

  • source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/p_no.gif: New, not installed.
  • source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/p_upd.gif: Update required; a more recent package of an identical version is available.
  • source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/p_upg.gif: Upgrade required, a package with a superior version is available.
  • source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/p_unu.gif: Upgrade and update required, both of these are required periodically.
  • source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/p_ok.gif: Package okay, currently installed without requirement for update or upgrade.

Various actions can be carried out on packages. These are offered in the contextual menu.