{{{ #!comment }}} {{{ #!div style="width:15%; float:left; clear:none; margin-right:1em; background:#ffb; border:1px solid #b00; padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em" [wiki:WikiStart Home] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''TOL''' [[BR]] [wiki:Software Software] [[BR]] [wiki:Download Download] [[BR]] [wiki:Installation Installation] [[BR]] [wiki:Packages Packages] [[BR]] [wiki:OTAN OTAN] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''TOL Project''' [[BR]] [wiki:About About TOL] [[BR]] [wiki:Manuals Manuals] [[BR]] [wiki:Development Development] [[BR]] [wiki:Rprojects R-Projects] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''Other Links''' [[BR]] [wiki:TracGuide Trac Guide] [[BR]] [wiki:WikiTree Wiki Tree] [[BR]] [https://mms.tol-prj.org MMS] }}} {{{ #!div style="margin-left:20%; margin-right:20%; padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em" {{{ #!comment }}} = R Projects = A set of R-packages are developed to use TOL from the R framework. Download and installation details are shown below: [#Installation] == R Packages == Currently there are three R-packages: * {{{tolBasis}}}: Contains the basis of TOL in R. * {{{tolRlink}}}: Links to TOL kernel via {{{tolRlink.dll}}} (or {{{tolRlink.so}}}). * {{{tolKit}}}: Kit of TOL utilities with an R-API. === tolBasis === {{{tolBasis}}} is the main package for using TOL from R. It is the basis on which ''TOL in R'' developments are supported. There is not necessary a TOL software installation to be used. It imports the fundamental definitions and utilities of the Time Oriented Language (TOL) such as: datings, time series, lag polynomials, etc. For more information see: [wiki:tolBasis]. === tolRlink === {{{tolRlink}}} is the package responsible for connecting to the TOL kernel. This package links to TOL via the library {{{tolRlink.dll}}} (or {{{tolRlink.so}}}). Therefore it requires an installation of TOL compatible (release 3.3 or posterior). It contains methods for load and initialize TOL, evaluate TOL code, obtain TOL objects, send R objects to TOL, etc. For more information see: [wiki:tolRlink]. === tolKit === {{{tolKit}}} is a package with some TOL utilities adapted to be used in R as usual. This package requires the previous packages: {{{tolBasis}}} and {{{tolRlink}}}. Current version imports TOL funcionts: {{{Estimate}}} and {{{CalcForecasting}}}. For more information see: [wiki:tolKit]. == Installation == There are different ways to install these developments: * as usual from CRAN repositories (currently only tolBasis is available), * downloading and installing the compiled packages (zip files for Windows), * downloading the source (tar.gz file) and compiling it locally. === Dependencies === The R-packages depend on other R-packages: * {{{tolBasis}}} depends on: {{{lubridate}}} and {{{polynom}}}: {{{ #!ruby install.packages("lubridate") install.packages("polynom") }}} * {{{tolRlink}}} needs {{{tolBasis}}} and also depends on: {{{base64enc}}}: {{{ #!ruby install.packages("base64enc") }}} * {{{tolKit}}} only depends on: {{{tolRlink}}} === Installation from CRAN === The package {{{tolBasis}}} is already available at CRAN: [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tolBasis/index.html tolBasis] and can be installed as usual: {{{ #!ruby install.packages("tolBasis") }}} === Installation from compiled packages (Windows) === The compiled packages for Windows (ZIP files) can be downloaded from: * [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolBasis_1.1.zip tolBasis_1.1.zip] * [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolRlink_1.1.zip tolRlink_1.1.zip] * [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolKit_1.2.zip tolKit_1.2.zip] To install them in R, can be use the option {{{"install package(s) from local zip files..."}}} from menu {{{"Packages"}}} or use R sentences as: {{{ #!ruby # change for the route of each zip file install.packages(, repos=NULL) }}} === Installation from source === The packages can be installed from source using {{{ #!ruby # change for the url of each package install.packages(, repos=NULL, type="source") }}} The current urls of source files (tar.gz) are: * [https://www.tol-prj.org/packages/Rpackages/tolBasis_1.1.tar.gz] * [https://www.tol-prj.org/packages/Rpackages/tolRlink_1.1.tar.gz] * [https://www.tol-prj.org/packages/Rpackages/tolKit_1.2.tar.gz] For other versions see directly the folder: [https://www.tol-prj.org/svn/tolp/Rprojects svn:Rprojects] === Downloading source === SVN can be used for download the developping source of these packages: {{{ svn co https://www.tol-prj.org/svn/tolp/Rprojects c:/users//svn/tolp/Rprojects }}} Change the destination folder for your choice. Remember that in order to compile {{{tolRlink}}} a compatible TOL installation is required.