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= R Projects =
A set of R-packages are developed to use TOL from the R framework.
Download and installation details are shown below: [#Installation]
== R-Packages ==
Currently there are three R-packages:
* {{{tolBasis}}}: Contains the basis of TOL in R.
* {{{tolRlink}}}: Links to TOL kernel via {{{tolRlink.dll}}} (or {{{tolRlink.so}}}).
* {{{tolKit}}}: Kit of TOL utilities with an R-API.
=== tolBasis ===
{{{tolBasis}}} is the main package for using TOL from R. It is the basis on which TOL in R developments are supported.
There is not necessary a TOL software installation to be used.
It imports the fundamental definitions and utilities of the Time Oriented Language (TOL) such as: datings, time series, lag polynomials, etc.
For more information see: [wiki:tolBasis].
=== tolRlink ===
{{{tolRlink}}} is the package responsible for connecting to the TOL kernel. This package links to TOL via the library {{{tolRlink.dll}}} (or {{{tolRlink.so}}}).
Therefore it requires an installation of TOL compatible (release 3.3 or posterior).
It contains methods for load and initialize TOL, evaluate TOL code, obtain TOL objects, send R objects to TOL, etc.
For more information see: [wiki:tolRLink].
=== tolKit ===
{{{tolKit}}} is a package with some TOL utilities adapted to be used in R as usual.
This package needs to the previous packages: {{{tolBasis}}} and {{{tolRlink}}}.
Current version imports TOL funcionts: {{{Estimate}}} and {{{CalcForecasting}}}.
For more information see: [wiki:tolKit].
== Installation ==
There are different ways to install these developments:
* install the compiled packages (zip files for Windows)
* download the source (tar.gz file) and compile it.
The package {{{tolBasis}}} is already available at CRAN: [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tolBasis/index.html tolBasis] and can be installed as usual:
=== Dependencies ===
The R-packages depend on other R-packages:
* {{{tolBasis}}} depends on: {{{lubridate}}} and {{{polynom}}}:
* {{{tolRlink}}} needs {{{tolBasis}}} and also depends on: {{{base64enc}}}:
* {{{tolKit}}} only depends on: {{{tolLink}}}
=== Installation from ZIP files (Windows) ===
--La mejor manera actualmente de instalar los paquetes en Windows es descargar los paquetes ya compilados e instalarlos en R.
--Los paquetes en formato ZIP (con los binarios para Windows) se pueden descargar desde:
* [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolBasis_1.0.zip tolBasis_1.0.zip]
* [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolLink_1.0.zip tolLink_1.0.zip]
* [export:tolp/Rprojects/tolKit_1.0.zip tolKit_1.0.zip]
--Para instalar los archivos ZIP podemos usar la opción {{{"Instalar paquete(s) a partir de archivos zip locales..."}}} del menú {{{"Paquetes"}}}.
=== Installation from source ===
--Para descargar el código utilizamos SVN:
svn co https://www.tol-project.org/svn/tolp/Rprojects c:/users//svn/tolp/Rprojects
--Cámbiese la ruta de destino por la que considere.
--Para instalar los paquetes desde el código, estableceremos el directorio de trabajo con la ruta donde descargamos los paquetes
y los instalaremos como sigue:
# Cambiese la ruta adecuadamente
install.packages("tolBasis", repos=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("tolLink", repos=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("tolKit", repos=NULL, type="source")
--Nótese que para compilar {{{tolLink}}} necesitamos una instalación válida (acorde a nuestro sistema) de TOL-GNU.
--En la instalación de TOL-GNU asegúrese también de instalar las librerías y las cabeceras para C/C++.
Éstas se buscarán en el directorio de instalación según la ruta especificada en la variable de entorno: {{{TOLGNU_ROOT}}}.
Véase el archivo: {{{tolLink/src/Makevars}}}