[[PageOutline]] = TOL Documentation = Time Oriented Language, hereafter TOL is a programming language designed for analysis of time series and stochastic processes based on the algebraic representation of time and the time series which allows: * Give structure to the data from operational systems, giving them a temporary support and classifier, which makes them useful information to understand their behavior. * Analyze the dynamic information, generate statistical models, to identify factors that influence the timing behavior and extract knowledge. * Facilitate decision making knowledge inferred from statistical models, forecasts of behavior, and decision functions. Time is a continuous magnitude represented as the real line, but when dealing with time series of social nature (sales, phone calls, bank transactions, event attendance, traffic, etc.), the analyst notes on behaviors involving different temporal characteristics such as cycles within a period (which may be the day, week, month, year ...); or proximity to holidays, bridges and any other identifiable events when they occur. Traditionally, these phenomena have been represented by extension, that is, as drawn up a list of events more or less handmade, which is not a very serious problem for annual or monthly series. In recent years, the information explosion has brought a series of daily data, hours or even higher frequencies, for which necessitates an algebraic treatment of this social time. Based on a temporary basis sets primary and a collection of functions, enable analytically build complex expressions to represent the most intricate social behaviors. On the other hand, the language must provide mechanisms for statistical analysis of data from reading them in files or databases to produce predictive models, through the methods of visual representation of information that may be necessary. Within this context TOL born to try to answer all these needs and others that have arisen during the implementation process and maturation of language. You can find [TolTechDesc in this page] a technical description of TOL. [source:/tolp/trunk/doc Here] is the SVN entry point for all shared documentation that you can browse to download interesting items. In [TolUserGuide User Guide] ([TolGuiaDelUsuario Guía del usuario]) you can find all functions of last version of TOL The right way to develop TOL libraries is to use and create [wiki:TolPackageRulesAndComments TOL packages]. All people can use [wiki:OfficialTolArchiveNetwork OTAN], the Official Tol Archive Network is the official repository of TOL packages. == Kernel == * [TolSyntax TOL Syntax] * [TolOop Object Oriented Programming] * Fixed Size Memory: [https://www.tol-project.org/export/HEAD/tolp/trunk/doc/kernel/MemoryHandlers/FSMEM.pdf Spanish programmer guide] == Time algebra == Time algebra gives the name to TOL due to it was the first target and it's already the most original and distinctive feature of TOL * [attachment:RepresentaciónLogicaDelTiempoSocial.pdf Representación lógica del tiempo social] * Discrete Time Algebra: [https://www.tol-project.org/export/head/tolp/trunk/doc/kernel/Time/TD-dise%C3%B1o.pdf Spanish TD.Diseño.pdf] == Massive data handling == * Database: TOL can handle with all database engines having an ODBC interface, ie, with all the important ones. Moreover, it has optimized interfaces with MySQL and PostgreSQL engines. * Object Indexed Serialization: [ObjectIndexedSerialization OIS spanish doc] == Interface == TOL has various interfaces to interact with users: * tol : the pure console callable executable * tolsh : a console callable with access to TCL script features * tolbase : a TCL graphic interface * vbtol : Visual Basic interface == Math == In an statistical software is very important to have access to the more efficient and robust implementations of mathematical algorithms. TOL has bet on some of the more recognized packages by open source community * [http://www.netlib.org/blas/index.html BLAS ]: Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms * [http://www.netlib.org/lapack/index.html LAPACK]: Linear Algebra PACKage * [http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/ ATLAS]: Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software * [http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/cholmod/ CHOLMOD]: Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate * [http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ GSL]: GNU Scientific Library * [http://bonsai.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mdehoon/software/cluster/software.htm#s CLUSTERLIB]: The C clustering library for cDNA microarray data * [http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/mount/Projects/KMeans/ KMLOCAL]: Efficient Algorithms for K-Means Clustering * [http://people.scs.fsu.edu/~burkardt/cpp_src/dcdflib/dcdflib.html DCDFLIB]: Evaluating cumulative probability density functions * [http://www.alglib.net ALGLIB]: Efficient multilingual scientific software library * [http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~vikas/Software/optimal_bw/optimal_bw_code.htm optimal_bw]: Fast O(N+M) Univariate Kernel Density Estimation with Optimal Bandwith === Linear algebra === * Virtual Matrix: [VirtualMatrix spanish doc] === Models === * ARIMA Max Likelihood: * [TolDocModelingArimaEstimateBrief Una breve biblia de la función Estimate (Estimación máximo-verosímil del modelo ARIMA de Box-Cox con Función de Transferencia)] * [https://www.tol-project.org/export/head/tolp/trunk/doc/modeling/ARIMA_Estimate/Un%20estimador%20de%20modelos%20ARIMA%20con%20FT.ppt Diseño de la implementación de la función Estimate, un estimador de modelos ARIMA de Box-Cox con Función de Transferencia] * [https://www.tol-project.org/export/677/tolp/trunk/doc/modeling/ARIMA_Estimate/InformeImplementaci%C3%B3nDeLaEstimacionARIMA_Mar2004.pdf Nota técnica sobre la implementación de la función Estimate] * [https://www.tol-project.org/export/head/tolp/trunk/doc/modeling/ARIMA_Estimate/EstimadoresAditivosDeEfectos.pdf Estimadores aditivos de efectos] en modelos multiplicativos o con otras transformaciones * Bayesian Sparse Regression (BSR): [https://www.tol-project.org/export/head/tolp/trunk/doc/modeling/BSR/BSR_Bayesian_Sparse_Regression.pdf Spanish Manual] * Generalized Linear Model : Regresión lineal generalizada [wiki:OfficialTolArchiveNetworkGrzLinModel GrzLinModel] y en particular regresión cualitativa [wiki:OfficialTolArchiveNetworkQltvRespModel QltvRespModel] * Plan de Integración de Sistemas de Estimación : [wiki:TolDocModelPlanIntegracionSistemasEstimacion] Documentation of TOL is still poor and it is almost all written in spanish, but we are working to enhance this situation. Any help will be welcome. == Tricks == == History == * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV201 What is new in TOL 2.0.1] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV117Bridge What was new in TOL 1.1.7 bridge] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV117 What was new in TOL 1.1.7] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV116 What was new in TOL 1.1.6] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV115 What was new in TOL 1.1.5] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV114 What was new in TOL 1.1.4] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV113 What was new in TOL 1.1.3] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV112 What was new in TOL 1.1.2] * [https://www.tol-project.org/wiki/WhatIsNewV111 What was new in TOL 1.1.1]