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Version 6 (modified by Pedro Gea, 9 years ago) (diff)



TolPackage is a TOL module (part of TolCore) for the TOL-packages management: installation, updating and upgrading, loading, creation, etc.


The TolPackage module evolves with the TOL-package design and enhacements, causing different versions with their own mechanisms and functionalities.

These versions are briefly described below.

Version 1

TolPackage first version has been distributed from TOL version 2.0.1 (see [2224]) to TOL versión 3.1 p009 (see [4535]).

This was the development version and it shows different enhancements in its two different subversions: 1.0 and 1.1.

Version 2

From TOL version 3.1 p010 (see [4622]) a new version of TolPackage: 2 is available. This version was created to solve some difficulties with previous version.

Version 3

To solve an OIS incompatibility in early patchs of TOL version 3.2 a new version of TolPackage: 3 was created. This third version was used simultaneously with version 2.

See tickets: #1541, #1533.

The mentioned incompatibility was solved in [5428] and since then the TolPackage duality (versions 2 and 3 simultaneity) is no longer necessary.

Version 4

New TOL versions for Windows (MinGW compiled) incorporate an incompatibility with TOL packages including binary libraries (.dll files).

This difficulty causes the development of a new version: 4. See ticket: #1821.

TolPackage.4 provides the possibility of managing different TOL-package variants (compatible with different TOL platforms) for the same TOL-package version.