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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WhatIsNewV111

Feb 25, 2009, 10:53:09 AM (16 years ago)
Víctor de Buen Remiro



  • WhatIsNewV111

    v1 v1  
     1= What was new in Tol-1.1.1 =
     3 * New estimation engine:
     4  -Maximum likelihood estimation of ARIMA models
     5  -Non linear least squares method improvement
     7 * New user function QRDecomposition to implement QR decomposition of a
     8   matrix.
     10 * New random generators from distributions:
     11   -RandChisq : random variate from a xi-squared distribution with n degree of
     12    freedom.
     13   -RandIChisq : random variate from an inverse xi-squared distribution with n
     14    degree of freedom.
     15   -RandGamma : random variate from a gamma distribution with parameters a and
     16    b.
     18 * Changed version numbers to unify all packages: Tol, Toltcl and Tolbase
     20 * Bugs fixed:
     21  -BMTFile(Set) (
     22  -CholeskiInverse (
     23  -QuantileS (
     24  -configure checks GSL version (
     25  -Timing traces (
     26  -If sentence (
     28 * Changed project structure in order to put under gnu autoconf utilities
     29Now support autoconf shell script "configure" to build the library
     31 * tol library become a new Open Source project under gnu/GPL license terms.
     32TOL was an internal project developed from 1995 at Bayes Decisión, SA
     33(Spain, Madrid). Is the base software used with TOLBase, another open source
     34project. TOLBase is a user interface written in tcl/tk for programming in tol.