= What is new in Tol-1.1.2 = * Tol is much more stable now than few months ago. We have resolved more than 100 bugs since the first version, but Tol is still an unstable product, for many reasons. One of them is related with the Documentation Project, we are still without manuals, tutorials, technical reports... On the other side, Tol continues having some implementation problems with itsinternal modules, which are blocking all possibilities to release an stable product before their correction. Among the new features list for this version, we can emphasize: * TIT: Tol Integrity Tests In the main directory yoo can see a new file called test-it.tol. Running this program you can start a global language consistency test across the directory tree. The program looks for "test" directories where we are adding individual tests to verify specific features of Tol. * The Evalutor It does not allow creating variables using an identifier allready used by other variable of a different type. A great number of corrections have been applied to the Evaluation Engine. * The Parser Improves its behavior with a better recognition of comments inside code, giving more complete information about the places where syntactical errors are.On the other side, the maximal identifier length has been limited to 255. * Random Number Generation Random and distributed number generator has been added, based on: * Cauchy (RandCaucy) * LogNormal (RandLogNormal) * Tcl_Eval implemented, as taken from the function description Set Tcl_Eval(Text script) Evaluate a Tcl script. The return value is a Set with two elements status : a Real indicating success (1) or fail (0) result : a Text with the evaluation result Example: Set tcl_res = Tcl_Eval("set tcl_platform(platform)"); If (tcl_res["status"], WriteLn("Running on platform "+tcl_res["result"]), WriteLn("Error in Tcl_Eval")) * Database access TOL DDBB API has been re-programmed to open up the possibility of using multiple native drivers. At the same time, ODBC and MySQL drivers have been developed. Of course, no changes have been made to the TOL DB API, and a big change: Dynamic libraries saves some memory if a driver is not used. * There are many little changes that we can't list here. Nevertheless we can give the URL of TOL Bug Report System (based on Bugzilla) to track all bugs which have been resolved: http://bugs.tol-project.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&resolution=FIXED