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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WhatIsNewV114

Feb 23, 2009, 4:00:24 PM (16 years ago)
Víctor de Buen Remiro



  • WhatIsNewV114

    v1 v2  
    6     * Improvement of performance of internal TOL symbols searching methods and structures:
    7           o Syntax tree tokens detects constant literals (numbers, strings and dates)
    8           o Syntax tree tokens store references to undeletable system objects (type names, built-in functions, ...)
    9           o New local stack structure with a super fast dictionary tree with cost O(1) in RAM and CPU
    10     * Allowing use of a local Struct.
    11       See examples in test of bug 246
    12     * Integrity of system constants: no longer the constant system objects will be modified. When an assignation of a constant is a done, an internal copy of the object is created so no unexpected collateral effect will take place.
    13       See examples in Tol tests (under construction)
    14     * By value pass of objects for builder operator (=), but on type Set.
    15       See examples in TOL tests CreationAndCopy
    16     * User Tol objects now have Description and Expression like separated functions, but only the description is modifiable by the user whereas the expression will only fill up Tol when the variable Real DoUnparseNodes is certain. When there is no description, user will receive the expression if exists, or the empty string. The Identify function returns the first non empty text of the list Name(), LocalName(), Expression(), Description()
     6 1. Improvement of performance of internal TOL symbols searching methods and structures:
     7  1. Syntax tree tokens detects constant literals (numbers, strings and dates)
     8  1. Syntax tree tokens store references to undeletable system objects (type names, built-in functions, ...)
     9  1. New local stack structure with a super fast dictionary tree with cost O(1) in RAM and CPU
     10 1. Allowing use of a local Struct.   See examples in test of bug 246
     11 1. Integrity of system constants: no longer the constant system objects will be modified. When an assignation of a constant is a done, an internal copy of the object is created so no unexpected collateral effect will take place.  See examples in Tol tests (under construction)
     12 1. By value pass of objects for builder operator (=), but on type Set. See examples in TOL tests CreationAndCopy
     13 1. User Tol objects now have Description and Expression like separated functions, but only the description is modifiable by the user whereas the expression will only fill up Tol when the variable Real DoUnparseNodes is certain. When there is no description, user will receive the expression if exists, or the empty string. The Identify function returns the first non empty text of the list Name(), LocalName(), Expression(), Description()
    1815== Tol-Tester ==
    20 Creation of TOL-Tester: An automatic Tests Control System for Tol versions. The Tol-Tester project ensures a sane behavior of Tol implementation Code during the development cycle.
    21 Read this notes for further information.
     17Creation of TOL-Tester: An automatic Tests Control System for Tol versions. The Tol-Tester project ensures a sane behavior of Tol implementation Code during the development cycle. Read this notes for further information.
    2218== System ==
    24     * New optional argument to control waiting mode in TOL built-in function WinSystem(Text command, Real showMode [, Real wait=FALSE])
    25     * New InitLibrary functions for calling operative system in a multiplattform API.
    26       See the code available at general/_system.tol
     20 1. New optional argument to control waiting mode in TOL built-in function WinSystem(Text command, Real showMode [, Real wait=FALSE])
     21 1. New InitLibrary functions for calling operative system in a multiplattform API. See the code available at general/_system.tol
    2823== Messages ==
    30     * Enable extended type messages in Write and WriteLn with an optional argument and new user functions Error and Warning in InitLibrary.
    31     * Best verbosity/mute handling in command line Tol Console.
    32       To know more about this feature write in your console
    33       tol -help
    34     * Functions that returns Anything can returns no object without send any error message and can be used in any scope.
    35     * Standard TOL log file start .log is moved to %APPDATA%\to\syslog in windows and ~/.tol in linux
    36     * New function PutLanguage to set the current human language of TOL messages
    37     * Each message of error or warning will adjoin a correlative number so that the user can find more easily first of them and follow the track more comfortably to them.
    38     * The Real variables TOL NError and Real NWarning have been created in order to return the number of errors and warnings emitted until the moment in the session, so that the users can verify in run time if a process is working correctly.
     25 1. Enable extended type messages in Write and WriteLn with an optional argument and new user functions Error and Warning in InitLibrary.
     26 1. Best verbosity/mute handling in command line Tol Console.  To know more about this feature write in your console  tol -help
     27 1. Functions that returns Anything can returns no object without send any error message and can be used in any scope.
     28 1. Standard TOL log file start .log is moved to %APPDATA%\to\syslog in windows and ~/.tol in linux
     29 1. New function PutLanguage to set the current human language of TOL messages
     30 1. Each message of error or warning will adjoin a correlative number so that the user can find more easily first of them and follow the track more comfortably to them.
     31 1. The Real variables TOL NError and Real NWarning have been created in order to return the number of errors and warnings emitted until the moment in the session, so that the users can verify in run time if a process is working correctly.
    4033== Matrix Type ==
    4235New functions of matrices have been implemented:
    44     * The built-in TOL functions of Matrix type f01, F01 and Inv01 implement the density, the distribution and its inverse for variates with uncorrelated standard multinormal distribution.
    45     * The operators of matrices (+, -, *) now admit like second element as much a matrix as a real number.
     37 1. The built-in TOL functions of Matrix type f01, F01 and Inv01 implement the density, the distribution and its inverse for variates with uncorrelated standard multinormal distribution.
     38 1. The operators of matrices (+, -, *) now admit like second element as much a matrix as a real number.
    4740See examples in TOL tests (under construction)
    5245New advantages are:
    54     * Almost all bugs reported about TimeSet has been solved.
    55     * Faster methods for almost all successor an predecessor methods.
    56     * Enhanced cache methods.
    57     * Auto-abortable calculations in empty and bounded TimeSet's to avoid infinite cycles (a warning will be sent).
    58     * The begin is set to 1582-12-31 (Gregorian calendar begins at 1582-10-15)
     47 1. Almost all bugs reported about TimeSet has been solved.
     48 1. Faster methods for almost all successor an predecessor methods.
     49 1. Enhanced cache methods.
     50 1. Auto-abortable calculations in empty and bounded TimeSet's to avoid infinite cycles (a warning will be sent).
     51 1. The begin is set to 1582-12-31 (Gregorian calendar begins at 1582-10-15)
    6053See examples in TOL tests TimeSetCoherence
    6154== Serie Type ==
    63     * BDT series are no more lazy to avoid some collateral problems.
    64     * New built-in Tol function Serie EvalSerie(Serie S, Code realToRealFunction)
     56 1. BDT series are no more lazy to avoid some collateral problems.
     57 1. New built-in Tol function Serie EvalSerie(Serie S, Code realToRealFunction)
    6659== Text Type ==
    68     * Enhancement of some functions: BeginWith, EndAt, Reverse.
    69     * New system information objects TOLSessionPath and TOLVersion
     61 1. Enhancement of some functions: BeginWith, EndAt, Reverse.
     62 1. New system information objects TOLSessionPath and TOLVersion
    7164== Statistics and Probability functions ==
    73     * Enhancement of unknown treatment in distribution functions.
    74     * New faster methods for truncated normal distribution:
    75           o Scalar: DensMultiNormalTrunc, DensTruncatedNormal, DistTruncatedNormal, DistTruncatedNormalInv, DrawTruncatedNormal
    76           o Vectorial: RandTruncatedMultNormal, LogDensTruncatedMultNormal
    77     * New methods Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for the sampling of implicitly defined probability distributions using built-in functions GibbsSampler and MetropolisHastings.
    78       To know more about this feature write in your terminal screen:
    79       tol -vU -c"WriteLn(Description(GibbsSampler))" \
    80       -c"WriteLn(Description(MetropolisHastings))"
    81     * Solving bugs in definition, naming and using of R2, Pearson, Correlation and other statistics
    82     * New package of TOL built-in functions to allow TOL users to work with GSL functions which both returning and arguments are all of numeric type.
    83       Read more here
    84     * Enhancements in function Estimate (Max. Likelihood ARIMA models estimator):
    85           o When a step gives worst result than previous iteration estimation of missing values must remains unchanged.
    86           o An error will be emited if an input hasn't InputDef structure.
    87           o In the ARMAAutoCovarianzeVector function used internally by Estimate there was an invalid access of memory when there is no part AR in a model and a smaller number of autocovarianzas is asked for or just as degree MA, which could give rise to falls or strange behaviors of random and irreproducible form.
     66 1. Enhancement of unknown treatment in distribution functions.
     67 1. New faster methods for truncated normal distribution:
     68  1. Scalar: DensMultiNormalTrunc, DensTruncatedNormal, DistTruncatedNormal, DistTruncatedNormalInv, DrawTruncatedNormal
     69  1. Vectorial: RandTruncatedMultNormal, LogDensTruncatedMultNormal
     70 1. New methods Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for the sampling of implicitly defined probability distributions using built-in functions GibbsSampler and MetropolisHastings. To know more about this feature write in your terminal screen:   tol -vU -c"WriteLn(Description(GibbsSampler))" \  -c"WriteLn(Description(MetropolisHastings))"
     71 1. Solving bugs in definition, naming and using of R2, Pearson, Correlation and other statistics
     72 1. New package of TOL built-in functions to allow TOL users to work with GSL functions which both returning and arguments are all of numeric type.
     73 1. Enhancements in function Estimate (Max. Likelihood ARIMA models estimator):
     74  1. When a step gives worst result than previous iteration estimation of missing values must remains unchanged.
     75  1. An error will be emited if an input hasn't InputDef structure.
     76  1. In the ARMAAutoCovarianzeVector function used internally by Estimate there was an invalid access of memory when there is no part AR in a model and a smaller number of autocovarianzas is asked for or just as degree MA, which could give rise to falls or strange behaviors of random and irreproducible form.