= Welcome to the Tol Project = [[Image(tolbase.jpg, align=right)]] == What is TOL? == TOL is the Time Oriented Language. It is a programming language dedicated to the world of statistics and focused on time series analysis and stochastic processes. It is a declarative language based on two key features: simple syntactical rules and powerful set of extensible data types and functions. TOL is callable by a small text console, but there is also a graphical interface to easily handle all language's tools and functions, providing powerful graphical capacities.[[BR]] TOL is distributed under the GNU GPL license. A copy of this license is included within the TOL source code and can be accessed following this [browser:tolp/trunk/tol/COPYING link]. == Starting Points == * DownloadTol -- Available versions of TOL * TolDoc -- Documentation about TOL. * [https://mms.tol-project.org MMS] -- Set of TOL packages developed for model design and estimation. * [https://mms.tol-project.org/wiki/Documentation NewDoc] -- New TOL & MMS documentation. * [wiki:Rprojects R-Projects] -- Packages for using TOL at R. * [wiki:TolGrid TOLGrid] -- Documentation and downloads for TOLGrid. * [wiki:TolPackageRulesAndComments TolPackage] -- TOL packages are libraries, tools and examples writen in TOL but published in a binary format. * [wiki:OfficialTolArchiveNetwork OTAN] -- Official Tol Archive Network is the official repository of TOL packages * TolPeople -- To know about people behind TOL. * TolDevelopment -- Instructions, tricks and rules about TOL development. * TolAcknowledgements -- External contributions * TitleIndex -- A complete list of local wiki pages * TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation * [http://trac.edgewall.org/ The Trac project] -- Trac Open Source Project * [http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracFaq Trac FAQ] -- Frequently Asked Questions * TracSupport -- Trac Support