{{{ #!comment }}} {{{ #!div style="width:15%; float:left; clear:none; margin-right:1em; background:#ffb; border:1px solid #b00; padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em" [wiki:WikiStart Home] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''TOL''' [[BR]] [wiki:Software Software] [[BR]] [wiki:Download Download] [[BR]] [wiki:Installation Installation] [[BR]] [wiki:Packages Packages] [[BR]] [wiki:OTAN OTAN] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''TOL Project''' [[BR]] [wiki:About About TOL] [[BR]] [wiki:Manuals Manuals] [[BR]] [wiki:Development Development] [[BR]] [wiki:Rprojects R-Projects] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''Other Links''' [[BR]] [wiki:TracGuide Trac Guide] [[BR]] [wiki:WikiTree Wiki Tree] [[BR]] [https://mms.tol-project.org MMS] }}} {{{ #!div style="margin-left:20%; margin-right:20%; padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em" {{{ #!comment }}} = Welcome to TOL Project = == What is TOL? == {{{ #!div style="color:#10406f;" '''TOL''' is the '''T'''ime '''O'''riented '''L'''anguage. }}} It is a programming language dedicated to the world of statistics and focused on time series analysis and stochastic processes. It is a declarative language based on two key features: simple syntactical rules and powerful set of extensible data types and functions. TOL is callable by a small text console, but there is also a graphical interface to easily handle all language's tools and functions, providing powerful graphical capacities.[[BR]] TOL is distributed under the GNU GPL license. A copy of this license is included within the TOL source code and can be accessed following this [browser:tolp/trunk/tol/COPYING link]. == TOL Software == [[Image(source:tolp/trunk/tolbase/lib/toltk/images/tolbase.ico, width=80, align=right)]] TOL provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) called '''TOLBase'''. It is useful for evaluating TOL code, editing TOL files and also manage full projects written in TOL. TOL provides also a command line interpreter and libraries for the communication with VBA or R. For more details, see [wiki:Software]. {{{ #!div style="background:#e1ffe1; border: 1px solid darkgreen; color:darkgreen; padding-left:1em; margin-right:1em" If you want to try it, visit [wiki:Download]. }}} {{{ #!comment If you want to try it, see [wiki:Download] and [wiki:Installation]. }}} You can learn TOL reading the [wiki:Manuals].