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Version 7 (modified by Pedro Gea, 9 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to TOL Project

What is TOL?

TOL is the Time Oriented Language.

It is a programming language dedicated to the world of statistics and focused on time series analysis and stochastic processes.

It is a declarative language based on two key features: simple syntactical rules and powerful set of extensible data types and functions.

TOL is callable by a small text console, but there is also a graphical interface to easily handle all language's tools and functions, providing powerful graphical capacities.

TOL is distributed under the GNU GPL license. A copy of this license is included within the TOL source code and can be accessed following this link.

TOL Software


TOL provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) called TOLBase. It is implemented in Tcl/Tk and it is useful for evaluating TOL code and editing TOL files. TOLBase can also manage full projects written in TOL and be customized with specific buttons, menu options, etc.

TOL provides also a command line interpreter and libraries for the communication with VBA or R. For more details, see Software.

If you want to try it, see Download and Installation.