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Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#113 closed defect (later)

Bayes Editor: stranges movements with Alt + numeric keys

Reported by: request Owned by: rcsoto
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: minor Keywords:


Bayes Editor: stranges movements with Alt + numeric keys

Only Windows (?)

There is a old way to insert characters in a editor:
press the Alt key while type the ASCII code of the
character with the most right numeric pad

For example the @ is Alt + 64
the ~ is Alt + 126
the | is Alt + 124

This is a way to work when the key board is strange,
is miss configurated or configurated in other language.

If you try to introduce a @ in the middle of a line
the first 6 move one character to right, the 4 move
on to left and @ appears at correct place but with
stanges movements.

If you try to introduce a | in the middle of a line
the first 1 move the cursor to end of line, the 2 move
the cursor to the next line and the last 4 one character
to the left and the | appears in a diffent place.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 20 years ago by Javier Portugal

Owner: changed from Javier Portugal to rcsoto

The most right numeric pad:

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

where usually have associated other keys

1 End
2 PosDown
3 AvPag
4 PosLeft
5 --
6 PosRight
7 Inicio
8 PosUp
9 RePag

The default binding for this other keys is being called in editor when pressing

I have a notebook keyboard, and when I use numeric keys (enabling numeric pad
with Fn+NunLk key) to introduce an Alt+ ASCII code I don't have this movements.

To solve this problem (and other related problems) perhaps we need to disable
all text default bindings and bind only those we need.

comment:2 Changed 20 years ago by rcsoto

Resolution: later
Status: newclosed

This it is the behavior offered by the component.
It was tried to correct in a near future.

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