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Opened 13 years ago

#1401 new defect

gsl messages

Reported by: Jorge Owned by: Víctor de Buen Remiro
Priority: normal Milestone: Mantainance
Component: Kernel Version: head
Severity: critical Keywords:


The messages emited by gsl are not shown in the log, try the following code:

Real _.m = 10;
Matrix Xb = Rand(_.m,1,-120,120);
Matrix z_ = Xb + Gaussian(_.m,1,0,1);
Matrix p_ = F01(z_);
Matrix _.Y = GE(Rand(_.m,1,0,1),0.5); //GE(p_,0.5);
Matrix _inf = Constant(_.m,1,1/0);
Matrix _zero = Constant(_.m,1,0);
Matrix _one = Constant(1,1,1);

Matrix a = IfMat(_.Y, - Xb, -_inf);
//WriteLn("TRACE [@Filter.Probit::eval.Filter.Probit] 3");
Matrix b = IfMat(_.Y, +_inf, - Xb);
Matrix e_ = RandTruncatedMultNormal(_zero, _one, a, b);

the output of gsl is:

WARNING in bmath/gsl_ext/rtnorm.c, gsl_rtbnorm_combo, 157: Mean extremely far from truncation point. Returning truncation point
WARNING in bmath/gsl_ext/rtnorm.c, gsl_rtanorm_combo, 201: Mean extremely far from truncation point. Returning truncation point

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