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Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#1547 assigned defect

Series concatenation

Reported by: Luis Artiles Owned by: Víctor de Buen Remiro
Priority: high Milestone: Mantainance
Component: TimeAlgebra Version: 3.1
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: josp@…

Description (last modified by Jorge)

I have tried to build a series with missing values in between in other to use it for a ticket example but both intents failed:

Serie auxser = SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m01d01,y2012m02d01) >> Serie 2*SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01) ; 

In this case I get

Grammar: Serie
Name: ser
Content: Daily[y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01]

as variable description.

I also tried this

Serie auxser = SubSer(CalInd(C,Daily),y2012m01d01,y2012m02d01) + Serie 2*SubSer(CalInd(C,Daily),y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01) ;

For the second one I get as variable description:

Grammar: Serie
Name: ser
Content: Daily[y2012m03d01,y2012m02d01]

When trying to visualsize get this:

can't find element "" in ""
can't find element "" in ""

while executing

"$g element cget [lindex $it 0] -label"

(procedure "::bayesGraph::ReadIni" line 244)
invoked from within

"::bayesGraph::ReadIni $this"

(procedure "ReadIni" line 36)
invoked from within

"ReadIni $Instance"

(procedure "::SeriesGraph::Create" line 56)
invoked from within

"::SeriesGraph::Create $tlf.g $sergrp"

invoked from within

"time {

set Instance [::SeriesGraph::Create $tlf.g $sergrp]
(procedure "DrawSeries" line 23)
invoked from within

"DrawSeries $series"

(procedure "::TolInspector::DrawSerie" line 11)
invoked from within


(menu invoke)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Component: TimeAlgebraInterface
Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Víctor de Buen Remiro to Jorge

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Jorge

Component: InterfaceTimeAlgebra
Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Jorge to Víctor de Buen Remiro
Status: newassigned

First, the stack trace related to the Tk error does not appear in the current tol version v3.1 p011.

Next, it seems that there is an issue related to the precedence of the time series operators, as you can see in the following piece of code:

Serie s1 = SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m01d01,y2012m02d01);
Serie s2 = Serie 2*SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01);
Serie s3 = s1 >> s2;
Serie s4 = SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m01d01,y2012m02d01) >> Serie 2*SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01);
Serie s5 = SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m01d01,y2012m02d01) >> (Serie 2*SubSer(CalInd(Daily,C),y2012m03d01,y2012m04d01));

Perhaps the user expected the three time series s3, s4, and s5 were equals, but as we can see s4 is different to the other two (does not contains the first segment from y2012m01d01 to y2012m02d01.

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