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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#1807 new enhancement

Ampliar seleccion de tipos de imagenes al grabar capturas de graficos

Reported by: AngelPrior Owned by: Jorge
Priority: normal Milestone: Mantainance
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: fmunoz@…

Description (last modified by Pedro Gea)

Se solicita ampliar con el tipo png los tipos de archivo disponibles al guardar un gráfico con TOLBase.

Para ello bastaría modificar el procedimiento proc ::bayesGraph::TakePhot en el archivo bysgraph.tcl.

Es trivial cambiar de gif a png cambiando las lineas 1166, 1170 y 1179.


Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Pedro Gea

Description: modified (diff)
Type: defectenhancement
Version: 3.1head

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Pedro Gea

Se adjunta código de ejemplo:

proc ::bayesGraph::TakePhoto {this {fileDest ""}} {
# PURPOSE: Takes a photo of the active graph and asks the user for a file to
#          save it.
#   this -> bayesgraph instance
#   fileDest -> File destiny of photo, default "" 
  upvar \#0 ${this}::widgets widgets
  upvar \#0 ${this}::data data
  upvar \#0 ${this}::options opt
  set gr $data(gr,active)
  set grpath $widgets(gr,$gr)
  # move focus a other widget
  set wdFoc [focus]
  focus $widgets(tb,btg,scale)
  if {$fileDest eq ""} {
    set typelist {{"PNG Files" {".png"}} {"Gif Files" {".gif"}}}
    set fileDest [tk_getSaveFile -title [mc "Choose a file to save the image"]\
                      -initialdir $opt(PhotoLastDir)\
                      -parent $widgets(this) \
                      -defaultextension .png -filetypes $typelist]
    if {$fileDest eq ""} {
      tk_messageBox -type ok -message [mc "File hasn't been saved"]\
          -icon warning -parent $widgets(this) -title [mc Warning]
  set img [image create photo]
  $grpath snap $img
  set fileExt [string trimleft [file extension $fileDest] . ]
  $img write -format $fileExt $fileDest
  set opt(PhotoLastDir) [file dirname $fileDest]
  # restore focus
  if {[string length $wdFoc]} {
    focus $wdFoc
  destroy $img 

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Francisco Muñoz

Cc: fmunoz@… added
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