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Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#200 closed defect (remind)

Functions Matrix SetDiag , Matrix Diag

Reported by: majalvo Owned by: Jorge
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: major Keywords:


Good Evenning!

I need build a diagonal matrix using a set of diferents reals.
If the cardinal of the set is bigger than 5000, I cannot build the diagonal matrix.
I use the function SetDiag.
If reals are equal I can use the function Diag.
Both functions whit a big number of reals doesn't build the diagonal matrix.

Real Num = 5000;
Set s = NCopy(Num,1);
Matrix Mat_Diag = SetDiag(s);
Matrix Mat_Diag2 = Diag(Num, 1);

I am using a virtual machine, maybe this is the trouble.

Thank you.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 20 years ago by majalvo

Priority: normalhigh
Severity: normalmajor

comment:2 Changed 20 years ago by Jorge

Please, describe in details what kind of error are you getting. I run the code you
provided here with Num=5500 and it succeeded. May be this a memory trouble. I
have 1Gb of memory. How much memory do you have? May be we should consider
implementing sparse matrix as another TYPE in TOL in order to deal with this kind
of matrices.


comment:3 Changed 20 years ago by Jorge

Resolution: remind
Status: newclosed

This is a bug concerning the design of matrix and is related to the amount of
physical memory installed on the system. May be the solution is to provide a Sparse
Matrix as a native type.

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