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Opened 20 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#282 assigned defect

Gui Functions...

Reported by: jimarin Owned by: livan
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: normal Keywords:


Hi there,

we have several tol files hanging from


we try to use on a serie of a given set the gui function "Tasa Incremento
Interanual" that comes bundled in tolbase.

we get the error:

ERROR: Símbolo binario / fuera de lugar en el carácter 20, línea 1:

Serie GuiIncAnu

[2] )

We would love these gui functions would work.

Thanks a lot,


Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed 20 years ago by Javier Portugal

Can you issolate this bug trying to create a similar object in a file?
How many of the set fathers of this serie have name?
TolBase internally identifies your serie as:
I don't know why first set is the tol file. Issolating this bug into a separated
file should help to solve it.

comment:2 Changed 20 years ago by jimarin

two files to reproduce the problem

Set Include("Foo.tol");

Serie ThA = SubSer(CalInd(C, Diario), y2001, y2005);

Set ThSet1 = SetOfSerie(ThA);
Set ThSet2 = SetOfSet(ThSet1);
Set ThSet3 = SetOfSet(ThSet2);
Set SetOfSet(ThSet3);

Mode of use:

Load Bar.tol

Try to play a Gui Function over any serie produced.

For me it fails undependently of local (C:) or remote drive (J:) used.


comment:3 Changed 20 years ago by Javier Portugal

This bug isn't about file's path, it's just because is a file (not a simple set).
The problem is that when we have a file than includes a file, and this one
has some objects (a serie, p.e).
For example:

FILE: fileA.tol

Set Include("fileB.tol");
Serie sA = 2*CalInd(C,Diario);

FILE : fileB.tol

Serie sB = 3*CalInd(C,Diario);

Serie sB forms part of a set hierarchy: fileA.tol[1][1] and Tolbase
(to pass a TOL object name to an user function, p.e. GuiIncAnu,
tasa de incremento interanual), forms a name that enables
accessing the object as if parent was a simple Set instead of
consider if it's a file.

Serie sA hasn't this problem becuase is considered global, and
hasn't hierarchy.

We have to think a solution for this bug...

comment:4 Changed 20 years ago by Jorge

Owner: changed from Jorge to Javier Portugal

Javi, please, change the status of this bug to assigned,

regards, Jorge

comment:5 Changed 20 years ago by Javier Portugal

Status: newassigned

comment:6 Changed 19 years ago by rcsoto

Owner: changed from Javier Portugal to Jorge
Status: assignednew

comment:7 Changed 19 years ago by jgarcia

Status: newassigned

comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Component: VariousInterface

comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Owner: changed from Jorge to livan
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