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Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#466 assigned enhancement

some proposals of improvements for graphics

Reported by: imendez Owned by: livan
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Graphics Version: head
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: Jorge, Alfredo Torre


Hi, I have some proposals of improvements for graphics:

1.- After tabulating a set (SetOfSet of SetOfReal, matrix, SetOfSeries...), drawing graphic from the table would be very useful.
2.- In "style" tab of graphics options, I can't choose a transparent colour for "outside" and "picture" areas.
3.- It would be perfect that series could have attributes. I mean that every data of a series have three values: X axis, Y axis and its attribute.
Thus, in graphic options there should be one more chance for "Data" tab of "Lines" tab: "Show attributes".
4.- In "Lines" graphics, we need two important utilities:

  • Showing the value of the series by clicking on a point of one line.
  • Showing / occulting series by activating / deactivating a check box in the legend.

5.- I have found two bad behaviours in "Bar" graphics:

  • The first and the last bars are shown only incompletely.
  • I have a Bar graphic with two series, one referenced to left axis and the other one referenced to right axis. Second series (right one) is behind first (left) one, so you can't see it.

6.- I miss more types of graphics:

  • Tie
  • Dispersion (now I can draw a dispersion graphic choosing "line" type, drawing the points of the lines and hiding the lines, but it's not the same)
  • Bubbles
  • Horizontal bars
  • etc


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Owner: changed from rcsoto to livan
Priority: highnormal
Status: newassigned

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Jorge

(In [3221]) refs #466, show the name of the closest line in a timeserie graph

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