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Opened 21 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

#48 closed enhancement (remind)

could be possible to make a copy of the object inspector?

Reported by: imendez Owned by: Jorge
Priority: lowest Milestone:
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: minor Keywords:


I think it would be very useful to be possible to make a copy of the object
inspector, in order to load the objects if tol falls down

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 21 years ago by Javier Portugal

Owner: changed from Javier Portugal to Jorge

How should it be?
Everty time a file (or an expresion in Eval Window) is compiled, tol objects are
stored in disk (files, database,...) --> This shoud be a TOL feature. (Change
Product to TOL?)
How is this files (or database) structure?
How is this structure recovered and loaded into TolBase?

comment:2 Changed 21 years ago by Jorge

Priority: normallowest
Resolution: remind
Status: newclosed

This issue was discussed previously and this is not a simply enhancement. We are now focusing in
providing TOL the highest stability as possible so it does not halt. But as an interesting feature we'll
consider it later.

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