close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


May 27, 2004:

7:54 PM Ticket #40 (Parser mistakes when the code contains a Struct that hasn´t been ...) closed by danirus
invalid: This is not an error. You must define PartidoSimuladosSt first, as a …
3:19 PM Ticket #52 (Density Functions Correction) created by jcaballero
Hello all: We're Antonio Cerdán, Andrés Martínez and Jorge Caballero …
9:59 AM Ticket #51 (tol crash) closed by danirus
fixed: A solution for this crash, and many others that we always have had …

May 25, 2004:

12:14 PM Ticket #51 (tol crash) created by Jorge
The following code make tol crash, for an indentical behaviour create …
11:34 AM Ticket #50 ('PutTableDateFormat' 'PutTableRealFormat') closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: The problem has been solved by polymorphism, to allow backward …
9:15 AM Ticket #50 ('PutTableDateFormat' 'PutTableRealFormat') created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
Alfredo Torres asked two questions about these funcions trought …

May 24, 2004:

6:05 PM Ticket #39 (Parser returns a mistake always at the first line) closed by danirus
fixed: A solution of this problem has been implemented in Tol CVS repository. …
4:48 PM Ticket #41 (we need a function returning the activity of a process) closed by rcsoto
fixed: Added the WinRmtProcessAlive function. Another possibility for the …
11:57 AM Ticket #49 (LIKE function) created by Víctor de Buen Remiro
Hello I think that some implementation of a text comparison function …

May 22, 2004:

3:52 PM Ticket #37 (variable name superior to the 267 characters) closed by danirus
fixed: In spite of the Tol Language Specification (that we have in mind) says …
3:41 PM Ticket #42 (To compile a file without code) closed by danirus
fixed: BFilter removes all comments from the original code and makes some …

May 21, 2004:

8:28 AM Ticket #22 (Syntax checking, Bayes SQL and connect fails) closed by Jorge
fixed: The last error is related to the installation of tolbase_addons. This …
8:13 AM Ticket #48 (could be possible to make a copy of the object inspector?) created by imendez
I think it would be very useful to be possible to make a copy of the …
8:05 AM Ticket #47 (mechanisms of compilation halting) created by imendez
I think it would be very useful having a number of mechanisms of …

May 20, 2004:

2:40 PM Ticket #46 (To crash the TolBase when the file is decompile) created by mthomas
To create a file with the following code: Serie NewDaysInMonths = …
7:56 AM Ticket #45 (Function Estimate sometimes doesn't work) created by jagutierrez
Estimate doesn't work in the part "Parameters Information / $tmp$ / …

May 19, 2004:

2:38 PM Ticket #44 (SubCol does not return the correct columns.) created by asalafranca
When I run this peace of code very strange things happend. Matrix k …
2:35 PM Ticket #43 (Kronecker Matrix Product) closed by danirus
invalid: Este tipo de preguntas deberian ser enviadas a las listas de correo. …
12:48 PM Ticket #43 (Kronecker Matrix Product) created by jlaybar
Existe alguna funcion en TOL para realizar el producto Kronecker entre …

May 18, 2004:

5:11 PM Ticket #42 (To compile a file without code) created by rcsoto
When trying a file without code, gives an error. Example: …

May 13, 2004:

11:20 AM Ticket #41 (we need a function returning the activity of a process) created by imendez
Frequently, we run processes with a number of subprocesses, such as …

May 12, 2004:

12:17 PM Ticket #39 (Parser returns a mistake always at the first line) reopened by danirus
I don't know that i can change the summary. Bug accepted.
11:05 AM Ticket #39 (Parser returns a mistake always at the first line) closed by danirus
invalid: In this bug report there are two different things. The second one is …
10:40 AM Ticket #40 (Parser mistakes when the code contains a Struct that hasn´t been ...) created by imendez
In the code: Real a = 4; Set sPartSim = [[ …
10:12 AM Ticket #39 (Parser returns a mistake always at the first line) created by imendez
The parser shows a curious error when the lower code is compiled: …

May 10, 2004:

11:29 AM Ticket #38 (A new DBTable function) created by imendez
Although i've porposed this function in several occasions, i haven´t …
9:37 AM Ticket #35 (PARSER ERROR) closed by danirus
later: This is an important improvement that we should treat in next Tol …
9:01 AM Ticket #33 (About what 'DBOpen' and 'DBClose' functions should return) closed by manuelb
invalid: There are many functions under many languages that, for any reason, …
8:44 AM Ticket #36 (quotes have priority with respect to double slashes) closed by manuelb
later: Hi. First of all, this is an old failure, check the TODO file under …
8:43 AM Ticket #37 (variable name superior to the 267 characters) created by Javier Gallardo
The problem is not, in principle, very serious because I do not …
8:03 AM Ticket #36 (quotes have priority with respect to double slashes) created by imendez
when a line is commented with double slashes (''), the texts between …

May 7, 2004:

6:53 PM Ticket #34 ('copy' and 'paste' don´t work) closed by rcsoto
fixed: Revise the functionality the keys in text and tables Editor . Fix a …
3:22 PM Ticket #35 (PARSER ERROR) created by César Pérez Álvarez
The following sentence "Serie GetSerie(Text nameInput, Set …
2:58 PM Ticket #34 ('copy' and 'paste' don´t work) created by imendez
I suppose it has been said already, but when capital letters are …
2:51 PM Ticket #33 (About what 'DBOpen' and 'DBClose' functions should return) created by imendez
'DBOpen' gives back: - TRUE when you connect successfully with the …

Apr 30, 2004:

2:24 PM Ticket #32 (Failure in Tol. It blocks when timeset is created.) created by jagutierrez
When trying to create tables CtMeses5Dom and Resta, Tol fails to …

Apr 29, 2004:

2:31 PM Ticket #31 (Inspecting an unamed TimeSet expression) closed by Jorge
fixed: the solution is in CVS
10:23 AM Ticket #8 (Line color and fillups in graph options) closed by rcsoto
fixed: When changing between lines and bar stays the color of the different …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.