Jun 18, 2004:
- 10:35 PM Ticket #73 (Expresions not assigned to a explicit variable) created by
- When evaluating a TOL expresion without assigning this result to any …
Jun 17, 2004:
- 12:13 PM Ticket #70 (several enhancements for projects) closed by
- fixed: Fixed bugs 54 and 70. Now: 1) paths to nodes are stored in a …
- 9:44 AM Ticket #45 (Function Estimate sometimes doesn't work) closed by
- invalid: Dear Jorge Gutierrez Since you hasn't answered anything about this …
- 9:25 AM Ticket #72 (Anything is not Anything) closed by
- fixed: A solution for this bug has been deployed in CVS Tol module.
Jun 16, 2004:
- 12:05 PM Ticket #72 (Anything is not Anything) created by
- If we proof this simple function …
- 10:06 AM Ticket #67 (tolbase crashes during evaluation) closed by
- fixed: fixed, a checking for NULL result was needed
Jun 11, 2004:
- 12:33 PM Ticket #69 (an orthographic mistake in the description of 'ToName') closed by
- fixed: Ups! A syntax mistake... Somebody lets the cat walk over the …
- 12:19 PM Ticket #65 (TOL does not give ERROR...) closed by
- fixed: This bug has been resolved. Update graimp.cpp from CVS to solve it. …
- 10:39 AM Ticket #54 (Project editor doesn't let include files with relative paths) closed by
- duplicate: It is duplicated on #70. * This bug has been marked as a duplicate …
Jun 10, 2004:
- 6:56 PM Ticket #71 (TimeSet) created by
- Why Tol doesn´t show message error? TimeSet In(y2004m06d10, y2004m06d09);
Jun 9, 2004:
- 5:53 PM Ticket #70 (several enhancements for projects) created by
- 1.- Nowadays, it is not possible to add a file to a prj between two …
- 4:29 PM Ticket #69 (an orthographic mistake in the description of 'ToName') created by
- The description of the function 'ToName' has an orthographic mistake. …
- 3:30 PM Ticket #68 (segmentation fault in Select evaluation) closed by
- fixed: the UserCode did not checked for type matching in te argument list. …
- 2:10 PM Ticket #68 (segmentation fault in Select evaluation) created by
- The following code make a segmentation fault in TOL. Struct str {Text …
- 2:07 PM Ticket #66 (use of -> operator in select function) closed by
- fixed: the solution can be downloaded from CVS.
- 11:51 AM Ticket #67 (tolbase crashes during evaluation) created by
- Trying to eval the following code:
Jun 8, 2004:
- 4:03 PM Ticket #66 (use of -> operator in select function) created by
- This code: Struct AlgOpc { Text IdOpc, Set SubDims }; Set …
- 1:52 PM Ticket #65 (TOL does not give ERROR...) created by
- Try to run this 4 lines... TOL does not give ERROR when it has to …
Jun 7, 2004:
- 10:35 AM Ticket #59 (Series mapped to Y2 axis) closed by
- fixed: The error has been corrected. The problem was that all the segments …
- 9:46 AM Ticket #61 (Using a TimeSet created from DatesOfSet for X Marker) closed by
- fixed: This bugs is already solved at CVS. The Succesor and Predecessor …
Jun 4, 2004:
- 9:47 AM Ticket #55 (Sobrecarga de operadores) closed by
- fixed: Este error ya está corregido en el CVS. Ahora los estadísticos de Real …
- 9:16 AM Ticket #56 (Enhancement of 'Show') closed by
- later: This enhancement will be implemented in future versions of Tol because …
- 9:11 AM Ticket #47 (mechanisms of compilation halting) closed by
- later: It is a good idea. This enhancement will be implemented in future …
Jun 3, 2004:
- 3:20 PM Ticket #57 (Check syntax errors blocks TOLBase) closed by
- fixed: A solution for this problem has just been deployed in Tol CVS: …
- 3:12 PM Ticket #60 (TOL get blocked when compling a file or just doing the syntax check) closed by
- fixed: InAComment BParser method need an increment operation for "curIndex" …
- 11:37 AM Ticket #64 (ill behaviour in assign operator) closed by
- fixed: Now there is a chek of grammar matching.
- 11:34 AM Ticket #46 (To crash the TolBase when the file is decompile) closed by
- fixed: The solution to this bug is not create the Serie and other members of …
- 10:47 AM Ticket #58 (BSIFile doesn´t create the associated BSDFile) closed by
- fixed: A solution of this bug has been deployed in Tol CVS. The problem was …
- 8:54 AM Ticket #63 (Still problems on highlighting) closed by
- later: This bugs are already on the TODO file, wich has been updated with the …
- 8:47 AM Ticket #64 (ill behaviour in assign operator) created by
- If you execute this code Set x = 1,2,3?; Text a = x[1]; variable …
- 8:33 AM Ticket #63 (Still problems on highlighting) created by
- The editor highlighting still doesn't work well in these cases: /* …
Jun 2, 2004:
- 4:19 PM Ticket #62 (Problema de la funci� GibbsSampler) created by
- Hola a todos. Programando una distribución multivariante con …
Jun 1, 2004:
- 3:39 PM Ticket #61 (Using a TimeSet created from DatesOfSet for X Marker) created by
- I create a TimeSet using function DatesOfSet, for example: Set …
- 3:17 PM Ticket #60 (TOL get blocked when compling a file or just doing the syntax check) created by
- In file attached there is a syntax error in line 223. There is one …
- 3:03 PM Ticket #59 (Series mapped to Y2 axis) created by
- Series with omitted values (?), don´t map correctly to Y2 axis with …
May 31, 2004:
- 2:25 PM Ticket #58 (BSIFile doesn´t create the associated BSDFile) created by
- To check the error, please compile the next example: Serie Ser01 = …
May 28, 2004:
- 8:48 PM Ticket #57 (Check syntax errors blocks TOLBase) created by
- When you check syntax errors in this piece of code: …
- 11:36 AM Ticket #56 (Enhancement of 'Show') created by
- Is it posible to extend the properties of the function Show with the …
- 10:57 AM Ticket #44 (SubCol does not return the correct columns.) closed by
- fixed: A solution for this problem has been deployed in Tol CVS. The …
- 10:27 AM Ticket #55 (Sobrecarga de operadores) created by
- Hola a todos: En la version Tol 4.3.7 y supongo que las precedentes …
- 10:26 AM Ticket #54 (Project editor doesn't let include files with relative paths) created by
- I think files hanging of projects should have a relative path, not an …
- 8:15 AM Ticket #48 (could be possible to make a copy of the object inspector?) closed by
- remind: This issue was discussed previously and this is not a simply …
- 7:39 AM Ticket #53 (The bug's URL does not appear on the mails) closed by
- fixed: Done, the url was included, but on the wrong place, could be read …
- 7:35 AM Ticket #53 (The bug's URL does not appear on the mails) created by
- Every time a bug changes, when bugzilla sends a mail, the URL should …
May 27, 2004:
- 7:54 PM Ticket #40 (Parser mistakes when the code contains a Struct that hasn´t been ...) closed by
- invalid: This is not an error. You must define PartidoSimuladosSt first, as a …
- 3:19 PM Ticket #52 (Density Functions Correction) created by
- Hello all: We're Antonio Cerdán, Andrés Martínez and Jorge Caballero …
- 9:59 AM Ticket #51 (tol crash) closed by
- fixed: A solution for this crash, and many others that we always have had …
May 25, 2004:
- 12:14 PM Ticket #51 (tol crash) created by
- The following code make tol crash, for an indentical behaviour create …
- 11:34 AM Ticket #50 ('PutTableDateFormat' 'PutTableRealFormat') closed by
- fixed: The problem has been solved by polymorphism, to allow backward …
- 9:15 AM Ticket #50 ('PutTableDateFormat' 'PutTableRealFormat') created by
- Alfredo Torres asked two questions about these funcions trought …
May 24, 2004:
- 6:05 PM Ticket #39 (Parser returns a mistake always at the first line) closed by
- fixed: A solution of this problem has been implemented in Tol CVS repository. …
- 4:48 PM Ticket #41 (we need a function returning the activity of a process) closed by
- fixed: Added the WinRmtProcessAlive function. Another possibility for the …
- 11:57 AM Ticket #49 (LIKE function) created by
- Hello I think that some implementation of a text comparison function …
May 22, 2004:
- 3:52 PM Ticket #37 (variable name superior to the 267 characters) closed by
- fixed: In spite of the Tol Language Specification (that we have in mind) says …
- 3:41 PM Ticket #42 (To compile a file without code) closed by
- fixed: BFilter removes all comments from the original code and makes some …
May 21, 2004:
- 8:28 AM Ticket #22 (Syntax checking, Bayes SQL and connect fails) closed by
- fixed: The last error is related to the installation of tolbase_addons. This …
- 8:13 AM Ticket #48 (could be possible to make a copy of the object inspector?) created by
- I think it would be very useful to be possible to make a copy of the …
- 8:05 AM Ticket #47 (mechanisms of compilation halting) created by
- I think it would be very useful having a number of mechanisms of …
May 20, 2004:
- 2:40 PM Ticket #46 (To crash the TolBase when the file is decompile) created by
- To create a file with the following code: Serie NewDaysInMonths = …
- 7:56 AM Ticket #45 (Function Estimate sometimes doesn't work) created by
- Estimate doesn't work in the part "Parameters Information / $tmp$ / …
May 19, 2004:
- 2:38 PM Ticket #44 (SubCol does not return the correct columns.) created by
- When I run this peace of code very strange things happend. Matrix k …
- 2:35 PM Ticket #43 (Kronecker Matrix Product) closed by
- invalid: Este tipo de preguntas deberian ser enviadas a las listas de correo. …
- 12:48 PM Ticket #43 (Kronecker Matrix Product) created by
- Existe alguna funcion en TOL para realizar el producto Kronecker entre …
Note: See TracTimeline
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