close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Nov 5, 2004:

1:49 PM Ticket #187 (Some errors with "Range" function) closed by Jorge
fixed: That bug is fixed. But it's worth makimg notes about. First of all …

Nov 4, 2004:

5:39 PM Ticket #184 (A "white" character is included in FormatPolyn function) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done! When Polyn class encountered a "+" character, it just replaced …
4:29 PM Ticket #192 (Using DbTable()) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problemwas a bug in the second assigment: It tried to assign …
1:13 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been resolved. It was a problem related with …

Nov 3, 2004:

5:38 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) reopened by manuelb
Iván just gave us this code that re-opens this problem: …

Nov 2, 2004:

5:44 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) closed by manuelb
fixed: After a few updates and some other bugs resolved, the beast seems more …
4:29 PM Ticket #192 (Using DbTable()) created by manuelb
Hi to everybody: I notice that the DDBB function Set …

Oct 29, 2004:

7:43 AM Ticket #191 (Problems between BTsrFromReal and other Series) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved and fixed. Now you can try: …
7:27 AM Ticket #191 (Problems between BTsrFromReal and other Series) created by danirus
With code like this: _ Serie ser1 = 5 * …

Oct 28, 2004:

8:07 AM Ticket #190 (In order to improve the error messages) created by imendez
This code: …

Oct 27, 2004:

2:37 PM Ticket #171 (IncludeBMT is not able to load files with more than 4693 rows.) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done! A reprogramming of the function has been necessary, because …

Oct 25, 2004:

11:12 AM Ticket #189 (About file Name in TOL Interface Editor...) created by jnavarro
Hi to all! It is possible to have the possibility to change the …
9:28 AM Ticket #188 (Opening non-existing files from command line) created by manuelb
If you execute tolbase especifying a non-existing file as argument, it …
9:19 AM Ticket #185 (Compiling error) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problem is ok now. I use STL vector to keep track of things …
8:40 AM Ticket #187 (Some errors with "Range" function) created by imendez
Code: …

Oct 22, 2004:

11:22 AM Ticket #186 (Infinite loop when creating a Set with "Dates") created by mercadona
If you compile the following code, tolbase loops forever: TimeSet tms …

Oct 20, 2004:

9:20 PM Ticket #185 (Compiling error) created by César Pérez Álvarez
The CVS-version can't compile. The error report is here: ---- …
5:41 PM Ticket #184 (A "white" character is included in FormatPolyn function) created by imendez
This code: Polyn p = …
5:20 PM Ticket #38 (A new DBTable function) closed by manuelb
fixed: Ok, the new function is out at last! It's name is DBTableColumn and …
5:09 PM Ticket #183 (TolBase doesn't ask for saving files before being closed) created by imendez
Hi, when you modify a file and try to close TolBase before saving the …

Oct 18, 2004:

4:05 PM Ticket #182 (toltcl.dll doesn't compile in MSDev) closed by Jorge
fixed: the fix can be downloaded from the CVS. Update the directory …
2:52 PM Ticket #182 (toltcl.dll doesn't compile in MSDev) created by César Pérez Álvarez
When I try to compile toltcl.dll doesn't compile and reports this …

Oct 13, 2004:

6:28 PM Ticket #181 (Evaluation in different level) closed by danirus
duplicate: This bug is a duplicate of the Bug 96. That code now returns a …
6:21 PM Ticket #96 (Variables out of scope) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug should be already clossed. The solution was implemented, but …
6:17 PM Ticket #180 (function doesn't exist) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been just resolved. The problem was a bad behavior in …
5:50 PM Ticket #181 (Evaluation in different level) created by Alfredo Torre
I don't know if this bug has been already reported. If so, I …
2:06 PM Ticket #180 (function doesn't exist) created by imendez
When a function is created by including a file containing it in a …
9:29 AM Ticket #160 (Wrong order when decompile the TIME SET) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been resolved. The problem was an incrementation of …

Oct 12, 2004:

8:17 AM Ticket #119 (checkear sintaxis no captura ciertos errores) closed by danirus
later: Although this is a very important bug, the state of art in the Parser …
8:13 AM Ticket #107 (No clear error: Type mismatch Real / Set) closed by danirus
fixed: This is the output I get executing that code. …
7:45 AM Ticket #173 (Serie serExp = Exp(1)*CalInd( C, Diario) does not work) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been patched. Is the same solution (but not the …
7:45 AM Ticket #174 (Serie ser_error = (a*b)*ser1 Does Not Work!) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been patched. Is the same solution (but not the …
7:43 AM Ticket #177 (Serie ser1 = (-a)*ser2 does not create the serie) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been patched. Although I'm providing a solution for …

Oct 9, 2004:

12:03 PM Ticket #178 (Real out2 =!fun(0)+!fun(1)+!fun(0); Error!!) closed by danirus
duplicate: This bug is a duplicate of 179, that has just been resolved. * …
12:02 PM Ticket #179 (Real out2 =!fun(0)+!fun(1)+!fun(0); Error!!) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been just resolved. The problem was a bad precedence …

Oct 8, 2004:

6:23 PM Ticket #29 (TolBase become blocked) closed by danirus
fixed: Please read last comment. This bug has been resolved and fixed.
2:45 PM Ticket #179 (Real out2 =!fun(0)+!fun(1)+!fun(0); Error!!) created by jlaybar
I don´t know where is the problem becouse the function is an Real …
2:45 PM Ticket #178 (Real out2 =!fun(0)+!fun(1)+!fun(0); Error!!) created by jlaybar
I don´t know where is the problem becouse the function is an Real …
8:58 AM Ticket #177 (Serie ser1 = (-a)*ser2 does not create the serie) created by jlaybar
/ …

Oct 7, 2004:

3:21 PM Ticket #176 (Tol Base se cae cuando se intenta dibujar intersección vacía) created by ptejedor
La siguiente secuencia de instrucciones hacen que TOL-Base se caiga: …
2:57 PM Ticket #175 (some utilities for tables) created by imendez
It's not urgent, but it would very very useful, practice and even …
12:34 PM Ticket #174 (Serie ser_error = (a*b)*ser1 Does Not Work!) created by jlaybar
Real a =1; Real b =2; Serie ser1 = Pulse( y2004m01 , Diario); …
8:19 AM Ticket #172 (La versión 1.1.1 no compila bajándola de linux) closed by danirus
fixed: El problema es que al empaquetar Tol en el .tar.gz que hemos puesto en …
8:00 AM Ticket #173 (Serie serExp = Exp(1)*CalInd( C, Diario) does not work) created by jlaybar
TOL Versión 1.1.1 Sep 29 2004 para WINDOWS Serie ser = …

Oct 6, 2004:

9:15 PM Ticket #172 (La versión 1.1.1 no compila bajándola de linux) created by ptejedor
al compilar language.cpp, gcc se queja de que no encuentra …
3:57 PM Ticket #171 (IncludeBMT is not able to load files with more than 4693 rows.) created by manuelb
Using: Set aa = IncludeBMT("file.bmt"); Does not work when …
3:22 PM Ticket #29 (TolBase become blocked) reopened by imendez
Now, when compiling: " TimeSet t = M(5)*WD(14); " and drawing a …
3:07 PM Ticket #16 (Bad work of Ctrl button) reopened by imendez
In Tol Version "Versión 1.1.1 Sep 29 2004", the problem goes on existing.
1:26 PM Ticket #170 (Problems with DifEq and Estimate when using Gaussian) created by jimarin
Hi Dani and all the rest, This e-mail perhaps involves several bugs …
8:44 AM Ticket #169 (Set result in estimate does not take odd names) closed by Jorge
duplicate: the bug has just being fixed as a result of # 155 * This bug has …
8:31 AM Ticket #169 (Set result in estimate does not take odd names) created by mercadona
See this code AFTER a call to Estimate: result = Estimate(...); Text …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.