close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Nov 27, 2004:

8:28 PM Ticket #203 (ERROR in ToName functions) created by César Pérez Álvarez
This functions returns the Text argument changing the ilegal letters …
12:03 PM Ticket #201 (what date should input start in Estimate function?) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
duplicate: Hello Chakib: First date of inputs should be the output one forward …

Nov 25, 2004:

3:17 PM Ticket #202 (error with timesets) created by hamoros
When compiling this two timesets, the second one produces an error …

Nov 24, 2004:

6:05 PM Ticket #201 (what date should input start in Estimate function?) created by Chakib Faghloumi
Estimating a daily model when all output and input start in …

Nov 23, 2004:

5:18 PM Ticket #200 (Functions Matrix SetDiag , Matrix Diag) created by majalvo
Good Evenning! I need build a diagonal matrix using a set of …

Nov 22, 2004:

1:27 PM Ticket #198 (Matrix out = EQ(a, b); Does not work.) closed by Jorge
fixed: Now EQ = Eq for Matrix type

Nov 19, 2004:

11:05 PM Ticket #199 (ERROR in compile tol.dll project) created by César Pérez Álvarez
When I try to compile tol.dll project in VSC++, I have the following …
12:07 PM Ticket #198 (Matrix out = EQ(a, b); Does not work.) created by jlaybar
Versión 1.1.2 Oct 29 2004 Matrix a = Col(0,1,1,1); Matrix b …

Nov 16, 2004:

3:48 PM Ticket #197 (Time causes a syntax error (TC alpha version)) created by César Pérez Álvarez
After the last update of the code I think that Time is like a Grammar …

Nov 15, 2004:

8:09 PM Ticket #196 (Y(), M() and M() do not work properly) created by César Pérez Álvarez
If we declare: TimeSet a = D(89); And compile it, we obtain a …
6:44 PM Ticket #195 (The mysterious dates) created by César Pérez Álvarez
Loak at this! If we compile the next TOL sentence: Date a = …

Nov 13, 2004:

4:33 PM Ticket #194 (Fail in PutName function) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been just fixed. You can download a solution from CVS.

Nov 11, 2004:

11:59 PM Ticket #194 (Fail in PutName function) created by César Pérez Álvarez
If we can not use Eval to put a new name for a variable, we can use a …

Nov 10, 2004:

1:09 PM Ticket #193 (Local declaration treated as global into Set definitions) created by hamoros
When defining many sets whith same names for its components, an error …

Nov 5, 2004:

1:49 PM Ticket #187 (Some errors with "Range" function) closed by Jorge
fixed: That bug is fixed. But it's worth makimg notes about. First of all …

Nov 4, 2004:

5:39 PM Ticket #184 (A "white" character is included in FormatPolyn function) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done! When Polyn class encountered a "+" character, it just replaced …
4:29 PM Ticket #192 (Using DbTable()) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problemwas a bug in the second assigment: It tried to assign …
1:13 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been resolved. It was a problem related with …

Nov 3, 2004:

5:38 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) reopened by manuelb
Iván just gave us this code that re-opens this problem: …

Nov 2, 2004:

5:44 PM Ticket #165 (a random error in AIA function) closed by manuelb
fixed: After a few updates and some other bugs resolved, the beast seems more …
4:29 PM Ticket #192 (Using DbTable()) created by manuelb
Hi to everybody: I notice that the DDBB function Set …

Oct 29, 2004:

7:43 AM Ticket #191 (Problems between BTsrFromReal and other Series) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved and fixed. Now you can try: …
7:27 AM Ticket #191 (Problems between BTsrFromReal and other Series) created by danirus
With code like this: _ Serie ser1 = 5 * …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.