close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Apr 6, 2006:

9:29 AM Ticket #381 (DBTable function fails when accessing real fields of an Oracle92 table) created by pegarcia
The TOL DBTable function (Version of 2006/04/06) is producing invalid …

Apr 3, 2006:

4:58 PM Ticket #379 (Problem when including a text) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Bug has been fixed
3:05 PM Ticket #380 (Problem when including a text) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
duplicate: I don't know way this is a new bug because is the same bug as 379. …
2:54 PM Ticket #380 (Problem when including a text) created by Christian Paz
Define the following function in tol: Date FunXX ( Set unused ){Set …
2:53 PM Ticket #379 (Problem when including a text) created by Christian Paz
Define the following function in tol: Date FunXX ( Set unused ){Set …

Apr 1, 2006:

12:14 PM Ticket #375 (Compilation errors) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
remind: Bug has been fixed. Now USE_DYNSCOPE is defined in tol_bgrammar.h …
12:10 PM Ticket #376 (Problem when creating a long set of dates) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Fixed bug 376 Recursive destructor can cause stack overflow for very …
12:05 PM Ticket #377 (Problem in defining real numbers in scientific format) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Fixed bug 377. At filtering time, a blank character must be inserted …
10:53 AM Ticket #378 (Error using Estimate) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Fized bug 378: If Empty is passed as NonLinear field of ModelDef then …

Mar 31, 2006:

3:13 PM Ticket #378 (Error using Estimate) created by Christian Paz
This is an error a little difficult to reproduce, this model is …

Mar 30, 2006:

9:12 PM Ticket #377 (Problem in defining real numbers in scientific format) created by Christian Paz
Different formats of Real are strangely not accepted: Real …
7:00 PM Ticket #376 (Problem when creating a long set of dates) created by Christian Paz
I have run "tol.exe -v -d", after initLibrary loaded, run the …

Mar 29, 2006:

10:19 PM Ticket #374 (Unordered timeset problem.) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Bug has been fixed Dates are internally sorted at TimeSet building …
3:44 PM Ticket #375 (Compilation errors) created by azamorano
Hi all! Since some months... TOL doesn't compile. OS is a Ubuntu 5.10 …
11:31 AM Ticket #374 (Unordered timeset problem.) created by jimarin
Hi all, the following code seems buggy to us. Set fechas = …

Mar 28, 2006:

1:56 PM Ticket #373 (Object inspector can't remember the width of the columns) created by imendez
Hi, if you close TOLBase after adjusting the width of the columns of …
7:48 AM Ticket #365 (Bars Graphic in two Y axis) closed by rcsoto
later: The problem is that the type of bars must be working only for X and Y …

Mar 27, 2006:

4:40 PM Ticket #372 (Set column types) created by azamorano
Some types returned by "info columns" call, are wrong. Few examples: …
9:28 AM Ticket #371 (export of data of a set-table) created by imendez
Hi, I propose an improvement of the export function BSTFile, …
7:41 AM Ticket #370 (Peticion para calculo de los residuos iniciales de un modelo ARIMA) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Hello It finishes being introduced this improvement. A new optional …

Mar 24, 2006:

3:42 PM Ticket #370 (Peticion para calculo de los residuos iniciales de un modelo ARIMA) created by majalvo
Dado un modelo ARIMA calculo de los residuos iniciales con la función …
11:15 AM Ticket #369 (Find window can't remember the option "fit captial and small letters") created by imendez
Hi, the "Find" window always shows the option "fit capital and small …

Mar 22, 2006:

8:51 AM Ticket #368 (The parser can't recognize a non-sense code.) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Bug has been fixed in CVS. This error is reported now ERROR: [1]

Mar 21, 2006:

7:12 PM Ticket #368 (The parser can't recognize a non-sense code.) created by imendez
Hi, if you run the code below, TOLBase falls down. I don´t know if …

Mar 20, 2006:

1:13 PM Ticket #352 (Table Function) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Sorry Problem was solved a few weeks ago but I forgot to notify it. …
11:58 AM Ticket #341 (ERROR Estimate) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Problem has been fixed: Internal C++ function that implements Copy …
11:09 AM Ticket #361 (crash in compile- decompile - compile with Struct) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
fixed: Hello Problem has been fixed in CVS. Struct creator function (the …
9:45 AM Ticket #367 (a problem with Structs? TOLBase falls down) closed by Víctor de Buen Remiro
duplicate: Hello This is the same behaviour observed and isolated in bug 361. …

Mar 17, 2006:

9:17 AM Ticket #367 (a problem with Structs? TOLBase falls down) created by imendez
Hi, the next code yields a TOLBase crash. Cuiously, the first time you …

Mar 16, 2006:

11:44 AM Ticket #364 (SQL returned type is not readable) closed by Jorge
fixed: SQLDescribeCol should also consider SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO as a valid …

Mar 15, 2006:

11:01 AM Ticket #366 (Description of the FirstToUpper function) created by rcsoto
The FirstToUpper function has a description that erroneous and can …

Mar 10, 2006:

2:01 PM Ticket #365 (Bars Graphic in two Y axis) created by Christian Paz
Hi, When I try to plot two series (bar format) and I want to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.