Mar 3, 2010:
- 11:52 AM Ticket #878 (Posibilidades con TclChartSet) created by
- Existe alguna forma en tol de guardar en disco un gráfico sin que lo …
Mar 1, 2010:
- 2:20 PM Ticket #869 (Error working with Object References and Decompilation) closed by
- fixed: El problema ha sido resuelto finalmente eliminando la reasignación del …
Feb 26, 2010:
- 1:31 PM Ticket #877 (segfault in parser) closed by
- fixed: (In [2038]) Fixes #877
- 10:10 AM Ticket #877 (segfault in parser) created by
- If we evaluate nucleos.tarifa.tol a segmentation fault in parser is …
Feb 24, 2010:
- 3:58 PM Ticket #876 (Problemas en la generación de los ozas con Windows 7) created by
- Buenas tardes, con la versión de Windows 7 el tolbase no consigue …
Feb 18, 2010:
- 8:38 PM Ticket #875 (Tol2.0 no corre bajo windows server 2003) created by
- La última versión oficial de tol (v2.0.1) no puede ejecutarse bajo el …
- 12:13 PM Ticket #874 (client code TolServer needs to know task id) created by
- When running a client code in TolServer sometimes is useful to know, …
Feb 17, 2010:
- 5:06 PM Ticket #873 (Improve TolServer process structure) created by
- TolServer is s monolitic process that does not answer when it's …
- 1:59 PM Ticket #863 (Object decompilation, when a object contains a reference to itself) closed by
- remind: Entiendo que has encontrado una forma bastante razonable de salvar la …
Feb 16, 2010:
- 5:44 PM Ticket #872 (Lost instances when the use of the :: operator is concatenated) closed by
- fixed: (In [2034]) Fixed #872 Destroying temporary objects in EvMember with …
- 4:18 PM Ticket #872 (Lost instances when the use of the :: operator is concatenated) created by
- Al comenzar a utilizar MMS con modelos masivos nos encontramos con …
Feb 15, 2010:
- 5:25 PM Ticket #871 (Segfault in Excel API) created by
- The following code with the attached data file generate a segfault […]
- 5:09 PM Ticket #870 (Read worksheet dimensions) created by
- It is required two functions in order to read the dimensions of a …
Feb 12, 2010:
- 2:49 PM Ticket #858 (About the Non Standard Struct Handling Report) closed by
- fixed: (In [2023]) Fixed #858 Structures used in more than one package of …
- 2:46 PM Ticket #858 (About the Non Standard Struct Handling Report) reopened by
- Ahora da errores en la carga de la StdLib […]
- 11:02 AM Ticket #857 (Error en BST al cargar datos con separador numérico no estándar) closed by
- fixed: (In [2022]) Fixes #857 Date and Real fields must be cleaned of right …
- 11:01 AM Ticket #857 (Error en BST al cargar datos con separador numérico no estándar) reopened by
- El lector de BST falla ahora cuando hay blancos por delante o por detrás.
- 10:36 AM Ticket #868 (fallo en triplet) closed by
- fixed: Sorry, the commit of changes to solve this bug was assigned to ticket …
- 10:34 AM Ticket #864 (TOL breakdown in erroneous defining class) reopened by
- Sorry, the commit [2002] was referred to #868
- 7:48 AM Ticket #869 (Error working with Object References and Decompilation) created by
- He encontrado un error al trabajar con objetos. Hasta donde he …
Feb 11, 2010:
- 6:21 PM Ticket #868 (fallo en triplet) created by
- Parece que hay un fallo en triplet. Hay una celda que en el Set …
- 2:07 PM Ticket #831 (Error fixing values for delta parameters) closed by
- fixed: (In [2017]) Fixed #831
- 11:10 AM Ticket #785 (ObjectExist with no grammar crashes TOL) closed by
- fixed: (In [2016]) Fixed #785
- 10:41 AM Ticket #857 (Error en BST al cargar datos con separador numérico no estándar) closed by
- fixed: (In [2013]) Fixes #857 A warning will be shown when a non valid number …
- 9:25 AM Ticket #858 (About the Non Standard Struct Handling Report) closed by
- fixed: (In [2011]) Fixed #858
- 9:24 AM Ticket #867 (BSR: Definición de la sigma y de los residuos cuando la matriz de ...) closed by
- fixed: (In [2010]) Fixes #867
- 9:23 AM Ticket #867 (BSR: Definición de la sigma y de los residuos cuando la matriz de ...) created by
- Cuando la matriz de covarianzas del ruido no es proporcional a la …
- 8:54 AM Ticket #859 (TOL falls down due to a sintax mistake) closed by
- fixed: Sorry, it's needed a very hard work to solve this problem in TOL 1.1.7 …
- 8:38 AM Ticket #865 (Error in TOLDoc/OOP code example) closed by
- fixed: Indeed the code had become obsolete. I've put your version in the wiki
- 8:33 AM TolOop edited by
- (diff)
- 8:27 AM Ticket #864 (TOL breakdown in erroneous defining class) closed by
- fixed: SVN trunk version works fine. So next binary release will solve this …
- 7:49 AM Ticket #866 (error en menu contextual asociado a NameBlock) created by
- Si intentamos desplegar el menu contextual sobre una seleccion …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.