Nov 9, 2009:
- 6:10 PM Ticket #779 (New built-in function to replace values of cells in a matrix) closed by
- fixed: (In [1665]) Fixes #779
- 5:31 PM Ticket #779 (New built-in function to replace values of cells in a matrix) created by
- In some circumstances it's needed a fast way to code and decode …
- 10:19 AM Ticket #778 (Create a new VMatrix functionTripletUnique wich removes all repeated cells) closed by
- fixed: (In [1650]) Fixes #778
- 10:19 AM Ticket #778 (Create a new VMatrix functionTripletUnique wich removes all repeated cells) created by
- When you converts from Cholmod.R.Triplet to Cholmod.R.Sparse with …
Nov 7, 2009:
- 4:24 PM Ticket #777 (Fail storing instance of Class in oza) closed by
- fixed: (In [1623]) Fixes #777
- 9:52 AM Ticket #777 (Fail storing instance of Class in oza) created by
- If you execute the following code, an error ( Segmentation fault ) is …
Nov 6, 2009:
- 9:31 AM Ticket #776 (Fail using PutName) created by
does nothing in this code […]
Nov 5, 2009:
- 10:59 AM Ticket #775 (Fail reloading from OIS a NameBlock without valid name) closed by
- fixed: (In [1610]) Fixes #775
- 10:58 AM Ticket #775 (Fail reloading from OIS a NameBlock without valid name) created by
- OIS returns an error message like […] running this code […]
Nov 4, 2009:
- 7:12 PM Ticket #638 (Gelman test of convergency in BSR diagnosis) closed by
- fixed: (In [1606]) Fixes #638
- 6:41 PM Ticket #771 (Función Range de TimeSet) closed by
- remind
- 6:40 PM Ticket #762 (BSR: Convert ARMA factors to polynomials along the Markov Chain) reopened by
- Sorry, I've written "Fixed #762" instead of "Fixed #772" in last commit
- 6:38 PM Ticket #772 (New function TextToReal) closed by
- fixed
- 6:36 PM Ticket #762 (BSR: Convert ARMA factors to polynomials along the Markov Chain) closed by
- fixed: (In [1603]) Fixed #762
- 5:39 PM Ticket #773 (Incremental index by name in Append) closed by
- fixed: (In [1600]) Fixes #773
- 4:52 PM Ticket #774 (Estimate con Omitidos) created by
- Estamos estimando un modelo de una serie con muchos omitidos con el …
- 4:19 PM Ticket #773 (Incremental index by name in Append) created by
- It would be desirable if after doing SetIndexByName on a Set the …
- 4:00 PM Ticket #772 (New function TextToReal) created by
- It could be a good feature to have a fast function that convert, with …
- 3:14 PM Ticket #769 (SetCol & SetRow for VMatrix) closed by
- fixed: (In [1597]) New functions SetCol and SetRow Fixed #769
- 3:07 PM Ticket #771 (Función Range de TimeSet) created by
- Buenas tardes, estamos intendando generar el timeSet de las semanas …
- 2:55 PM Ticket #768 (ActiveTOL. BinGroup con conjuntos estructurados) closed by
- fixed: (In [1594]) The operator + cannot use a copy of (*this) due we don't …
- 2:52 PM Ticket #770 (A new frequence oriented profiler for TOL functions) created by
- Current TOL profiler builds a report about execution time of each TOL …
- 2:12 PM Ticket #763 (BSR: Saving BSR configuration with .bsr files) closed by
- fixed
- 11:34 AM Ticket #769 (SetCol & SetRow for VMatrix) created by
- Could we have a SetCol & SetRow functions in VMatrix the same way as …
- 9:36 AM Ticket #766 (Parse error in API modular ASCII when no regression equations are defined.) closed by
- fixed: Problem has been fixed in SVN
Nov 3, 2009:
- 5:31 PM Ticket #767 (Parse error in API modular ASCII involving parameter constraints.) closed by
- fixed: (In [1587]) Fixed #767
- 4:22 PM Ticket #768 (ActiveTOL. BinGroup con conjuntos estructurados) created by
- Los conjuntos setPrueba01 y setPrueba02 son iguales, excepto por el …
Oct 30, 2009:
- 3:54 PM Ticket #767 (Parse error in API modular ASCII involving parameter constraints.) created by
- A module defined as "joint" in a modular API scheme gives a BSR parse …
- 3:37 PM Ticket #766 (Parse error in API modular ASCII when no regression equations are defined.) created by
- A module defined as "joint" in a modular API scheme gives a BSR parse …
Oct 28, 2009:
- 9:54 PM Ticket #765 (Función AIA con fechados no globales.) closed by
- fixed: (In [1580]) Fixes #765
- 3:49 PM Ticket #765 (Función AIA con fechados no globales.) created by
- Buenas tardes, La función AIA recibe un argumentos que es la serie …
- 2:00 PM Ticket #764 (Failed recursive master modules in API modular ASCII) closed by
- fixed: (In [1575]) Fixed #764
- 10:25 AM Ticket #764 (Failed recursive master modules in API modular ASCII) created by
- A recursive master modules scheme it seems doesn´t work, failed at …
- 9:03 AM Ticket #763 (BSR: Saving BSR configuration with .bsr files) created by
- BSR-ASCII API should save BSR configuration in order be able to …
Oct 27, 2009:
- 9:28 AM Ticket #762 (BSR: Convert ARMA factors to polynomials along the Markov Chain) created by
- Current ARMA simulator can only handle with AR and MA polynomials of …
Oct 26, 2009:
- 3:41 PM Ticket #621 (Wrong behaviour in BackDifEq of VMatrix) closed by
- fixed: (In [1573]) Fixed #621
- 12:20 PM Ticket #759 (An input missing cannot act as output missing in BSR) closed by
- fixed: In test_20 there is an …
- 11:21 AM Ticket #635 (Hierarquical structure over BSR missing block variables) closed by
- duplicate: A best solution is suplyied in ticket #759
Oct 23, 2009:
Oct 20, 2009:
- 4:08 PM Ticket #761 (StdLib::GetUrlContents doesn't works with URL's using ftp: protocol) closed by
- fixed: (In [1542]) fixes #761
- 10:04 AM Ticket #761 (StdLib::GetUrlContents doesn't works with URL's using ftp: protocol) created by
- StdLib::GetUrlContents returns the contens of URL's using http: …
Oct 19, 2009:
- 4:31 PM Ticket #760 (Problemas en el parser con la combinación de parentesis y llaves) closed by
- fixed: No encuentro ninguna forma de que el parser actúe correctamente pero …
Oct 16, 2009:
- 4:25 PM Ticket #760 (Problemas en el parser con la combinación de parentesis y llaves) created by
- Al ejecutar lo siguiente: […] obtenemos el siguiente error: […]
Oct 13, 2009:
- 3:34 PM Ticket #759 (An input missing cannot act as output missing in BSR) created by
- Now, input missing and output missing are handling in BSR as separated …
- 2:33 PM Ticket #758 (Cannot express a truncated uniform prior over missing values in BSR) closed by
- fixed: (In [1531]) Fixed #758
- 10:08 AM Ticket #758 (Cannot express a truncated uniform prior over missing values in BSR) created by
- Now missing values accept prior with scalar distribution normal, …
Oct 12, 2009:
- 5:02 PM Ticket #757 (Allowing arbitrary covariance matrix on BSR Ascii and Import API's) closed by
- fixed: (In [1529]) Fixed #757
- 9:46 AM Ticket #757 (Allowing arbitrary covariance matrix on BSR Ascii and Import API's) created by
- Kernel of BSR can handle with arbitrary covariance matrices but Ascii …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.