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Version 1 (modified by Pedro Gea, 9 years ago) (diff)


R Projects

A set of R-packages are developed to use TOL from the R framework.

Download and installation details are shown below: #Installation


Currently there are three R-packages:

  • tolBasis: Contains the basis of TOL in R.
  • tolRlink: Links to TOL kernel via tolRlink.dll (or
  • tolKit: Kit of TOL utilities with an R-API.


tolBasis is the main package for using TOL from R. It is the basis on which TOL in R developments are supported.

There is not necessary a TOL software installation to be used.

It imports the fundamental definitions and utilities of the Time Oriented Language (TOL) such as: datings, time series, lag polynomials, etc.

For more information see: tolBasis.

tolRlink is the package responsible for connecting to the TOL kernel. This package links to TOL via the library tolRlink.dll (or

Therefore it requires an installation of TOL compatible (release 3.3 or posterior).

It contains methods for load and initialize TOL, evaluate TOL code, obtain TOL objects, send R objects to TOL, etc.

For more information see: tolRLink?.


tolKit is a package with some TOL utilities adapted to be used in R as usual.

This package needs to the previous packages: tolBasis and tolRlink.

Current version imports TOL funcionts: Estimate and CalcForecasting.

For more information see: tolKit.


There are different ways to install these developments:

  • install the compiled packages (zip files for Windows)
  • download the source (tar.gz file) and compile it.

The package tolBasis is already available at CRAN: tolBasis and can be installed as usual:



The R-packages depend on other R-packages:

  • tolBasis depends on: lubridate and polynom:
  • tolRlink needs tolBasis and also depends on: base64enc:
  • tolKit only depends on: tolLink

Installation from ZIP files (Windows)

--La mejor manera actualmente de instalar los paquetes en Windows es descargar los paquetes ya compilados e instalarlos en R.

--Los paquetes en formato ZIP (con los binarios para Windows) se pueden descargar desde:

--Para instalar los archivos ZIP podemos usar la opción "Instalar paquete(s) a partir de archivos zip locales..." del menú "Paquetes".

Installation from source

--Para descargar el código utilizamos SVN:

svn co c:/users/<user>/svn/tolp/Rprojects

--Cámbiese la ruta de destino por la que considere.

--Para instalar los paquetes desde el código, estableceremos el directorio de trabajo con la ruta donde descargamos los paquetes y los instalaremos como sigue:

# Cambiese la ruta adecuadamente
install.packages("tolBasis", repos=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("tolLink", repos=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("tolKit", repos=NULL, type="source")

--Nótese que para compilar tolLink necesitamos una instalación válida (acorde a nuestro sistema) de TOL-GNU.

--En la instalación de TOL-GNU asegúrese también de instalar las librerías y las cabeceras para C/C++. Éstas se buscarán en el directorio de instalación según la ruta especificada en la variable de entorno: TOLGNU_ROOT. Véase el archivo: tolLink/src/Makevars