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Integrating TOL with R

The integration between TOL and R is based on the R packages Rcpp and Rinside.

We provide a modified compilation of Rinside in tol-project because we enable the callback experimental feature in order to capture the output from R.

In order to installed follow this instruction.


TolRInside is the package that make possible to invoke R from TOL. This binary package is based on Rcpp and Rinside and require that both package be installed in order to work properly. Besides we need to set the evironment variable R_HOME:

set R_HOME="C:\Archivos de programa\R\R-3.1.2"

TolRInside only work with the TOL version compiled with mingw32 (see CompileMINGW32).

This package can be installed as any other TOL package from the OTAN repository by just requiring the package:

#Require TolRInside;

TolRInside can be compiled also from source code with the following instructions:

  1. Download the source code:
    svn co C:\users\toldevel\OfficialTolArchiveNetwork\cmake
    svn co C:\users\toldevel\OfficialTolArchiveNetwork\TolRInside
  1. Create build directory
    cd C:\users\toldevel\OfficialTolArchiveNetwork\TolRInside
    mkdir CodeLite\Debug
  1. Configure build makefiles
    cd C:\users\toldevel\OfficialTolArchiveNetwork\TolRInside\CodeLite\Debug
    cmake -DTOL_PREFIX_PATH=C:\users\toldevel\trunk\tol\CodeLite\Release\Runtime_Base -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G"CodeLite - MinGW Makefiles" ..\..
  1. Build the binary library
    cd C:\users\toldevel\OfficialTolArchiveNetwork\TolRInside\CodeLite\Debug
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Mar 27, 2015, 10:36:46 AM