close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Custom Query (59 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#54 Project editor doesn't let include files with relative paths jimarin defect highest Interface
#73 Expresions not assigned to a explicit variable Jorge defect highest Interface
#181 Evaluation in different level danirus defect highest Kernel
#201 what date should input start in Estimate function? Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest Math
#295 Types nonrecognized in MySql danirus defect highest DataBase
#313 BDTFile Function enchancement. Urgent Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement highest Kernel
#367 a problem with Structs? TOLBase falls down Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest Various
#421 Problems in _constant.tol Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest TimeSetAlgebra
#482 Decompilation weirdness Jorge defect highest Various
#594 Runtime error re-compiling global variables Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest Various
#634 Implcit expression of dense blocks in BSR ASCII API Víctor de Buen Remiro task highest BSR API Math
#635 Hierarquical structure over BSR missing block variables Víctor de Buen Remiro task highest BSR hierarchy and priors Math
#730 Derived Class Instances as Main Class Instances Víctor de Buen Remiro doubt highest OOP Implementation OOP
#830 rmtps.conf location Jorge enhancement highest Mantainance RMTPS
#941 Redondeo de los datos de Oracle a cero Jorge defect highest Mantainance Database
#942 Check if we are running within Tk Jorge task highest Mantainance Kernel
#946 define packages as instance of a class Víctor de Buen Remiro task highest TOL Packages Kernel
#964 ReadRange excel function error Jorge defect highest TOL Packages Excel API
#989 log file for tol process executed from rmpts Jorge task highest Mantainance RMTPS
#1252 GuiTools: Menu homogenization Jorge enhancement highest Mantainance GuiTools
#1273 fallo en linux BSys::FOpenAndLock Víctor de Buen Remiro defect highest Mantainance Kernel
#334 Problem with Replace All jgarcia defect high Interface
#403 Several problems with F7, F8 and F9 danirus defect high Various
#494 Bimonthly and Bimensual TimeSet definition danirus defect high TimeSetAlgebra
#749 Error pre-declaring classes without attributes Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high OOP Implementation OOP
#750 Loading .oza files in v2 generated by v1 Víctor de Buen Remiro defect high Kernel
#930 order of options in contextual menu Jorge task high TOLBase Revitalization Interface
#1013 Tratamiento de eventos en GuiTools Jorge task high TOL Packages GuiTools
#1075 Error en la rama Grammars del inspector de objetos Jorge defect high Mantainance Interface
#1411 especificar por linea de comandos el project.ini Jorge defect high Mantainance Interface
#1420 Filtro en Inspector de objetos Víctor de Buen Remiro enhancement high TOLBase Revitalization Interface
#1425 check if package is locked Jorge task high Mantainance GUI Tol Packages
#93 Tol crashes in a user defined function of Serie grammar danirus defect normal TimeSetAlgebra
#94 Undestroyed global objects manuelb defect normal DataBase
#118 Tol crashes when making a "WriteLn" assigned to a "Text" type variable without name danirus defect normal Kernel
#141 Eval dosen´t work manuelb defect normal Kernel
#169 Set result in estimate does not take odd names Jorge defect normal Math
#178 Real out2 =!fun(0)+!fun(1)+!fun(0); Error!! danirus defect normal Kernel
#204 Intersecciones vacías en TimeSet Jorge defect normal Various
#210 drawing only points Jorge defect normal Graphics
#213 ::tol::info functions fails with function Recalc Jorge defect normal Interface
#258 TimeSet tm = WD(6)*WD(7); Calendar Expert breaks down TOL. Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal Various
#265 Set and SetOfPolyn danirus defect normal SetAlgebra
#269 Error de interseccion en TimeSets Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal TimeSetAlgebra
#285 Access element of the Set by name danirus defect normal SetAlgebra
#316 Removal of Inserted File Javier Portugal defect normal Interface
#380 Problem when including a text danirus defect normal Various
#495 Bimonthly and Bimensual TimeSet definition danirus defect normal TimeSetAlgebra
#721 Using class name as a grammar Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal OOP Implementation OOP
#849 Muestrear una normal con restriciones de igualdad Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal Mantainance Math
#915 ImageManager in GuiTools Jorge defect normal TOLBase Revitalization GuiTools
#1067 Inputs no lineales Víctor de Buen Remiro task normal Técnicas de modelación Math
#1072 Conexión nativa con Sqlite Jorge task normal TOL Extensions Database
#1154 Función graficar conjuntos pares contra impares Jorge defect normal Mantainance Interface
#1336 TOLBase hangs down when view a No Dating TimeSet Víctor de Buen Remiro defect normal Mantainance Kernel
#649 Loading dll's in TOL Víctor de Buen Remiro defect low TOL Extensions Various
#1041 Error al actualizar TolPackage Víctor de Buen Remiro defect low TOLBase Revitalization ASCII data files
#532 Install options in Windows binary Jorge enhancement lowest Various
#744 HIerarchical structure over ARIMA parameters of BSR Víctor de Buen Remiro task lowest BSR hierarchy and priors Math
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.