close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#473 assigned defect

error in edTableGeneric component

Reported by: jgarcia Owned by: livan
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: Interface Version: head
Severity: blocker Keywords:


This bug is relative to Tolbase1.1.5 release

Openning any table maintenance an error is found:

Error in constructor: syntax error in expression "0.0,0.0 > 255": extra tokens at end of expression
syntax error in expression "0.0,0.0 > 255": extra tokens at end of expression

while executing

"expr [lindex $fieldInfo($x,field,type) 1] > 255"

("varchar" arm line 3)
invoked from within

"switch [lindex $fieldInfo($x,field,type) 0] {

"bit" {

grid $fieldInfo($x,field,ptr) -sticky nw -row $x -column 1 -pady 2


(procedure "::beditmaster::Snit_methodshowForm" line 26)
invoked from within

"::beditmaster::Snit_methodshowForm ::beditmaster ::beditmaster::Snit_inst1"

("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within

"uplevel 1 $command $args"

invoked from within

"$self showForm"

(procedure "::beditmaster::Snit_constructor" line 119)
invoked from within

"::beditmaster::Snit_constructor ::beditmaster ::beditmaster::Snit_inst1 -bodbcmodule..."

("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within

"eval [linsert $arglist 0 ${type}::Snit_constructor $type $selfns $instance $instance]"

(procedure "RT.ConstructInstance" line 9)
invoked from within

"RT.ConstructInstance $type $selfns $name $args"

(procedure "::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create" line 5)
invoked from within

"::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create ::beditmaster -bodbcmodule ::bodbc::dbSADD1 -table VozEstimationSession -parent ...."

("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within

"uplevel 1 $command $args"

invoked from within

"beditmaster $tl.editMaster -bodbcmodule $opts(-bodbcmodule) -table $opts(-table) -parent $w -autoload ..."

(procedure "::edTableGeneric::Create" line 20)
invoked from within

"::edTableGeneric::Create -table VozEstimationSession -bodbcmodule ::bodbc::dbSADD1 -proccod ::edTableGeneric::prociscode -procdes ::edTableGeneric::pr..."

("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within

"eval ::edTableGeneric::Create -table $opts(-table) -bodbcmodule $opts(-bodbcmodule) -proccod $opts(-proccod) -procdes $opts(-procdes)"

(procedure "::edTableGeneric::Show" line 47)
invoked from within

"::edTableGeneric::Show -table $table -bodbcmodule $opts(-bodbcmodule)"

(procedure "::edTableGeneric::InitTolVar" line 29)
invoked from within

"::edTableGeneric::InitTolVar -var TEstimationSession"

(procedure "::edEstimationSession::Show" line 15)
invoked from within


("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within

"eval $cmd"

(procedure "::edTableGeneric::InitEditMasterTable" line 18)
invoked from within

"::edTableGeneric::InitEditMasterTable -table $table -bodbcmodule $opts(-bodbcmodule)"

(procedure "::edTableGeneric::InitEditMaster" line 14)
invoked from within

"::edTableGeneric::InitEditMaster -var TEstimationSession -bodbcmodule ::bodbc::dbSADD1"

(menu invoke)


Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Jorge

Status: newassigned

working on it .....

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Component: KernelInterface

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Víctor de Buen Remiro

Owner: changed from jgarcia to livan
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