close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Sep 3, 2004:

4:28 PM Ticket #142 (IsUnknown only takes reals) created by asalafranca
IsUnknown only takes reals. It should work whith any grammar that has …
2:18 PM Ticket #96 (Variables out of scope) closed by danirus
fixed: I have just committed some changes in the core of Tol to give a …

Sep 2, 2004:

10:09 AM Ticket #139 (Function Description when you don´t define PutDescription) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved with the code uploaded to resolve bug 120.
10:06 AM Ticket #120 (A redifinition in an internal variable is shown as redefinition in a ...) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. Two new attributes has been added to …

Sep 1, 2004:

5:50 PM Ticket #141 (Eval dosen´t work) closed by manuelb
duplicate: It's the same bug as number 140, but shows the great interest on this …
4:35 PM Ticket #141 (Eval dosen´t work) created by jlaybar
Eval dosen´t create the variables. Text txt1 = "Serie serA = …
3:31 PM Ticket #140 (error of the 'Eval') created by Javier Gallardo
the following code: Eval("Serie a = CalInd(WD(1), Diario);"); …
10:48 AM Ticket #139 (Function Description when you don´t define PutDescription) created by jlaybar
If you define a TOL function and don´t include a description for it …

Aug 30, 2004:

11:00 AM Ticket #116 (no named objects can't be created) closed by Jorge
fixed: Try the CVS version to verify this report. In my version this work ok.
9:37 AM Ticket #124 (Sometimes TOL and sometimes Tol) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done, all changes are already in the CVS.
5:49 AM Ticket #134 (Chart([[series]], file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL) closed by danirus
invalid: This is not a bug. Maybe it could be discussed in some Tol-Project …

Aug 27, 2004:

2:41 PM Ticket #128 (TolEditor: insert a € -> Select all text) closed by hamoros
fixed: On windows a Control-key bind also produces a Altgr-key bind, unless …
2:04 PM Ticket #137 (Bad ReadFile behaviour) closed by manuelb
fixed: Fixed! Same solution as bug #127. Wrong behaviour of C++ libraries …
1:19 PM Ticket #123 (More than 2 empty lines at the end of BDT -> infinite loop) closed by manuelb
fixed: Fixed! A classic career condition on a first-main loop made TOL …
11:12 AM Ticket #138 (Dependency graph does not work) created by manuelb
When trying to view the dependency graph of a bug, this error comes …

Aug 26, 2004:

5:57 PM Ticket #101 (When multiplying wrong-sized matrix TOL does not give a warning.) closed by manuelb
fixed: A fix for this bug is already avaliable on the cvs.
3:36 PM Ticket #137 (Bad ReadFile behaviour) created by manuelb
This code: Text line = ReadFile("doesnotexist.txt"); Creates the …

Aug 25, 2004:

2:39 PM Ticket #136 (Chart() permanent black border) created by request
Chart() permanent black border /* All the charts have a black …
1:53 PM Ticket #135 (Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format) created by request
Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format /* …
1:47 PM Ticket #134 (Chart([[series]], file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL) created by request
Chart(series?, file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL
12:07 PM Ticket #133 (I Can´t to add any node into a new TOL project.) closed by hamoros
fixed: The problem was that a recently created project doesn't have "base …

Aug 24, 2004:

10:44 AM Ticket #133 (I Can´t to add any node into a new TOL project.) created by Lander Ibarra Iriondo
When I create a new project with TolBase SnapShot , I can´t add any …

Aug 19, 2004:

6:30 PM Ticket #127 (BDBOpen() and file not found -> a new empty file is created) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problem is a wrong Visual C++ fstream's behaviour. When opening a …
2:22 PM Ticket #132 (The same serie can be defined twice without any error or warning message) created by request
/* The same serie can be defined twice without any error or warning …
11:51 AM Ticket #131 (TOLBase: The last open file is not a recent file) created by request
TOLBase: The last open file is not a recent file /* If you open a …
11:32 AM Ticket #130 (DatCh() can lose the initial period) created by request
DatCh() can lose the initial period When the First(s) of s is …
10:47 AM Ticket #129 (TOLBase: Copy & close -> lose the clipboard) created by request
Bug 129 TOLBase: Copy & close -> lose the clipboard /* If …
10:38 AM Ticket #128 (TolEditor: insert a € -> Select all text) created by request
Bug 128 TolEditor: insert a € -> Select all text /* Probably …
9:58 AM Ticket #107 (No clear error: Type mismatch Real / Set) reopened by request
No clear error: Type mismatch Real / Set Bug 107 (reopened)
9:43 AM Ticket #127 (BDBOpen() and file not found -> a new empty file is created) created by request
Bug 127 depend on Bug 104 BDBOpen() and file not found -> a new …
9:27 AM Ticket #126 (TOLBase: resize internal windows -> a lot of shadow (wake?)) created by request
/* TOLBase: resize internal windows -> a lot of shadow (wake?) In …
9:22 AM Ticket #125 (TOLEditor not always open the Editor window) created by request
/* TOLEditor not always open the Editor window Tools - Tol Editor - …
9:10 AM Ticket #124 (Sometimes TOL and sometimes Tol) created by request
/* Sometimes TOL and sometimes Tol TolBase in User interface main …
9:01 AM Ticket #123 (More than 2 empty lines at the end of BDT -> infinite loop) created by request
More than 2 empty lines at the end of BDT -> infinite loop
8:49 AM Ticket #122 (TOLEditor let open and edit the same file several times) created by request
/* TOLEditor - TOLBase: let open and edit the same file several times …

Aug 18, 2004:

3:56 PM Ticket #121 (TOLBase error when close the main window before a complete startup) created by request
/* TOLBase error when close the main window before a complete startup …
2:18 PM Ticket #118 (Tol crashes when making a "WriteLn" assigned to a "Text" type variable ...) closed by danirus
duplicate: I'm sorry for the time you spent trying to isolate this bug, but it …
2:06 PM Ticket #117 (I can't return from bug page to tol-project page) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done. This happened when updating bugzilla version, got it back to …
10:32 AM Ticket #79 (an error in SubSer and DatCh) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been just resolved. When the 2nd argument was TheBegin, …
10:11 AM Ticket #120 (A redifinition in an internal variable is shown as redefinition in a ...) created by request
A redifinition in an internal variable is shown as redefinition in …

Aug 17, 2004:

12:50 PM Ticket #20 (logical, relational and arithmetic functions behaviour.) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. If you are working with CVS, you must …

Aug 13, 2004:

9:41 AM Ticket #119 (checkear sintaxis no captura ciertos errores) created by hamoros
El siguiente texto escrito en un fichero del editor de tolbase, al …
9:32 AM Ticket #118 (Tol crashes when making a "WriteLn" assigned to a "Text" type variable ...) created by imendez
In Tol version from "Aug 2 2004 para WINDOWS", this code makes tol …
7:42 AM Ticket #79 (an error in SubSer and DatCh) reopened by imendez
I think the first part of this bug (related to SubSer function) is …

Aug 12, 2004:

11:28 AM Ticket #101 (When multiplying wrong-sized matrix TOL does not give a warning.) reopened by César Pérez Álvarez
There is no bug, but the warning when the matrix product returns a …
10:44 AM Ticket #101 (When multiplying wrong-sized matrix TOL does not give a warning.) closed by danirus
invalid: In order to use the ordinary matrix product we must be sure that the …
10:16 AM Ticket #100 (Not recognize grammar inside structures) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been just resolved. Now Tol can distinguish the nature of …
7:23 AM Ticket #98 (Add a shortcut to clear log in log window of tolbase) closed by rcsoto
later: These functionalities will be added shortly

Aug 11, 2004:

12:08 PM Ticket #117 (I can't return from bug page to tol-project page) created by imendez
Once I've committed a bug, I don't know how to return from bug page to …
11:46 AM Ticket #116 (no named objects can't be created) created by imendez
In my TolBase version, which loads a Tol version called "Versión 1.1.1 …

Aug 10, 2004:

3:53 PM Ticket #115 (An error in '==' function) created by imendez
When compiling this code: Text Fechado = "Diario"; Serie Ser = …

Aug 9, 2004:

6:00 PM Ticket #114 (Tol goes down with a erroneus (incomplete) series expresion) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been resolved. The problem was a Null Pointer access …
3:53 PM Ticket #114 (Tol goes down with a erroneus (incomplete) series expresion) created by request
Tol goes down with a erroneus (incomplete) series expresion Note …
12:59 PM Ticket #105 (BDBReg() loses one character in some lines) reopened by request
For the CRACK (bug 106) the correct bug was -> …
12:39 PM Ticket #113 (Bayes Editor: stranges movements with Alt + numeric keys) created by request
Bayes Editor: stranges movements with Alt + numeric keys Only …
12:06 PM Ticket #102 (Matrix definition) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has just been resolved. The problem was a bad interpretation …
11:58 AM Ticket #112 (Sometimes A is not equal to ASCII(Char(A))) created by request
Sometimes A is not equal to ASCII(Char(A)) Real ascii01 = 130; …
11:30 AM Ticket #111 (A single quote in a remmark -> next remmark not in green) created by request
TolBase: Bayes Editor A single quote in a remmark -> next …
11:01 AM Ticket #110 (TimeSet Crack in succesor and intersection (Non progressive TimeSet?)) created by request
TimeSet Crack in succesor and intersection (Non progressive …
10:47 AM Ticket #103 (Missing ending quotes in the error message) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. The affected file, bparser/scn.cpp, has …

Aug 8, 2004:

10:45 AM Ticket #104 (BDBOpen() and file not found -> TOL goes down) closed by danirus
fixed: This Bug has been resolved. A solution is available in Tol CVS, and …
9:11 AM Ticket #105 (BDBReg() loses one character in some lines) closed by danirus
invalid: The correct bug was ->
9:10 AM Ticket #106 (BDBReg() crack (see bug 105)) closed by danirus
invalid: The correct bug was ->
9:07 AM Ticket #108 (GetDir() makes TOL crack inside a funtion) closed by danirus
invalid: The correct bug was ->

Aug 6, 2004:

10:08 PM Ticket #107 (No clear error: Type mismatch Real / Set) closed by danirus
fixed: Hello Antonio, Bug 109 has been resolved. Could you verify this bug …
10:03 PM Ticket #109 (A type in WriteLn() or Write() makes TOL Crack inside functions) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. graimp.cpp has to return back to version …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.