close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Sep 17, 2004:

6:35 PM Ticket #154 (DatCh doesnt work correctly again) created by Javier Portugal
Function DatCh doesn't works fine. If we have a Daily Serie starting …
11:32 AM Ticket #153 (DistNormalInv DOES NOT WORK IN VERSION TolBase-CVS-20040913) created by jlaybar
Hello This is a big,big problem Real kk_1 = DistNormalInv(0.9, 0,1); …
8:12 AM Ticket #152 (TOL Estimation seg faults when there is less data than variables.) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problem is that there are more variables than data. Eventhough …

Sep 16, 2004:

5:18 PM Ticket #152 (TOL Estimation seg faults when there is less data than variables.) created by manuelb
When I execute the given estimation, TOL gives this message: gsl: …
3:45 PM Ticket #151 (Open tol file given as argument) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done. It seems the installation scripts were not updated for Linux …
11:30 AM Ticket #122 (TOLEditor let open and edit the same file several times) closed by hamoros
fixed: fixed
11:27 AM Ticket #121 (TOLBase error when close the main window before a complete startup) closed by hamoros
fixed: fixed
11:18 AM Ticket #151 (Open tol file given as argument) created by manuelb
I would really appreciateit if it were possible to open (not include) …

Sep 15, 2004:

8:44 PM Ticket #150 (Problem with AutoCor functions) created by César Pérez Álvarez
If we execute the following code we have a problem in AutoCor function …
3:54 PM Ticket #145 (Inposible to re-assing local variables.) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. The problem was an "out of scope" …
11:56 AM Ticket #148 (For returned type wrong parsed?) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. Before update, as Jorge told us, you can …
11:12 AM Ticket #149 (double click/open file) created by asalafranca
When a double click is used to open a file TolBase doesnt set the new …

Sep 14, 2004:

11:26 AM Ticket #148 (For returned type wrong parsed?) created by Alfredo Torre
Compile this piece of code and see log file and compare results: …
10:13 AM Ticket #146 (General scope error) closed by danirus
fixed: Resolving bug 146. This modification resolves a big problem inside …

Sep 13, 2004:

5:51 PM Ticket #147 (an error in "In" function when initial and final date are equal) created by imendez
This code fails: TimeSet Tms = In(Today, Today); returning next …
2:51 PM Ticket #146 (General scope error) created by danirus
With next code: _ Real double(Real a) { a*a …
12:56 PM Ticket #145 (Inposible to re-assing local variables.) created by Lander Ibarra Iriondo
Show the next code lines. Compile this code lines with TOL-Base …
8:28 AM Ticket #136 (Chart() permanent black border) closed by rcsoto
fixed: Modified the component that receives the focus when showing a graph. …

Sep 10, 2004:

9:18 AM Ticket #131 (TOLBase: The last open file is not a recent file) closed by Jorge
fixed: this bug was related to a bug in widget fmenu. Now fmenu will admit …

Sep 9, 2004:

11:51 AM Ticket #143 (Range Doesn`t work properly) closed by manuelb
fixed: A Ceil call using the result of the next operation as argument was …

Sep 8, 2004:

11:54 AM Ticket #144 (Tol version compatibility) closed by manuelb
fixed: The problem was a wrong behaviour of DBGetText in the old ODBC driver. …
9:34 AM Ticket #144 (Tol version compatibility) created by Lander Ibarra Iriondo
Please compile the following code lines in Tol and SqlServer. You will …

Sep 7, 2004:

9:31 AM Ticket #125 (TOLEditor not always open the Editor window) closed by hamoros
fixed: Bug fixed with the previous revision of editor.tcl
8:35 AM Ticket #143 (Range Doesn`t work properly) created by asalafranca
We I run this Set s = Range(1.01, 1.02, 0.01); Tol returns 1.01 …

Sep 6, 2004:

9:43 AM Ticket #96 (Variables out of scope) reopened by danirus
Now appears another problem related with the Scope of variables with …

Sep 3, 2004:

4:28 PM Ticket #142 (IsUnknown only takes reals) created by asalafranca
IsUnknown only takes reals. It should work whith any grammar that has …
2:18 PM Ticket #96 (Variables out of scope) closed by danirus
fixed: I have just committed some changes in the core of Tol to give a …

Sep 2, 2004:

10:09 AM Ticket #139 (Function Description when you don´t define PutDescription) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved with the code uploaded to resolve bug 120.
10:06 AM Ticket #120 (A redifinition in an internal variable is shown as redefinition in a ...) closed by danirus
fixed: This bug has been resolved. Two new attributes has been added to …

Sep 1, 2004:

5:50 PM Ticket #141 (Eval dosen´t work) closed by manuelb
duplicate: It's the same bug as number 140, but shows the great interest on this …
4:35 PM Ticket #141 (Eval dosen´t work) created by jlaybar
Eval dosen´t create the variables. Text txt1 = "Serie serA = …
3:31 PM Ticket #140 (error of the 'Eval') created by Javier Gallardo
the following code: Eval("Serie a = CalInd(WD(1), Diario);"); …
10:48 AM Ticket #139 (Function Description when you don´t define PutDescription) created by jlaybar
If you define a TOL function and don´t include a description for it …

Aug 30, 2004:

11:00 AM Ticket #116 (no named objects can't be created) closed by Jorge
fixed: Try the CVS version to verify this report. In my version this work ok.
9:37 AM Ticket #124 (Sometimes TOL and sometimes Tol) closed by manuelb
fixed: Done, all changes are already in the CVS.
5:49 AM Ticket #134 (Chart([[series]], file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL) closed by danirus
invalid: This is not a bug. Maybe it could be discussed in some Tol-Project …

Aug 27, 2004:

2:41 PM Ticket #128 (TolEditor: insert a € -> Select all text) closed by hamoros
fixed: On windows a Control-key bind also produces a Altgr-key bind, unless …
2:04 PM Ticket #137 (Bad ReadFile behaviour) closed by manuelb
fixed: Fixed! Same solution as bug #127. Wrong behaviour of C++ libraries …
1:19 PM Ticket #123 (More than 2 empty lines at the end of BDT -> infinite loop) closed by manuelb
fixed: Fixed! A classic career condition on a first-main loop made TOL …
11:12 AM Ticket #138 (Dependency graph does not work) created by manuelb
When trying to view the dependency graph of a bug, this error comes …

Aug 26, 2004:

5:57 PM Ticket #101 (When multiplying wrong-sized matrix TOL does not give a warning.) closed by manuelb
fixed: A fix for this bug is already avaliable on the cvs.
3:36 PM Ticket #137 (Bad ReadFile behaviour) created by manuelb
This code: Text line = ReadFile("doesnotexist.txt"); Creates the …

Aug 25, 2004:

2:39 PM Ticket #136 (Chart() permanent black border) created by request
Chart() permanent black border /* All the charts have a black …
1:53 PM Ticket #135 (Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format) created by request
Chart() Description don't say that the file is in gif format /* …
1:47 PM Ticket #134 (Chart([[series]], file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL) created by request
Chart(series?, file path) only works in TOLBase, not in TOL
12:07 PM Ticket #133 (I Can´t to add any node into a new TOL project.) closed by hamoros
fixed: The problem was that a recently created project doesn't have "base …

Aug 24, 2004:

10:44 AM Ticket #133 (I Can´t to add any node into a new TOL project.) created by Lander Ibarra Iriondo
When I create a new project with TolBase SnapShot , I can´t add any …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.