close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/var/svn/tolp does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Dec 21, 2004:

10:02 AM Ticket #209 (drawing only points) closed by Jorge
fixed: will be available in next release

Dec 20, 2004:

11:44 AM Ticket #210 (drawing only points) closed by Jorge
duplicate: literally the same * This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 209 *

Dec 17, 2004:

12:05 PM Ticket #211 (Differences between "snapshot" or "filed" graphics) created by jimarin
Hi, TolBase version CVS-Snapshot y2004m12d15 I can provide with gcf …

Dec 16, 2004:

5:33 PM Ticket #210 (drawing only points) created by Jorge
If you try to plot a set with only one pair you will get an internal …
5:33 PM Ticket #209 (drawing only points) created by Jorge
If you try to plot a set with only one pair you will get an internal …
11:15 AM Ticket #208 (Doesn`t exist the option "Save as" in the Project Editor) created by mlopez
I want to duplicate a project ìn the Project Editor and it doesn`t …

Dec 14, 2004:

3:54 PM Ticket #207 (The special character \ (back slash) yields an error) created by imendez
This code: Text t = " \""; returns the next error message: ERROR: …
10:18 AM Ticket #200 (Functions Matrix SetDiag , Matrix Diag) closed by Jorge
remind: This is a bug concerning the design of matrix and is related to the …

Dec 3, 2004:

1:45 PM Ticket #206 (estimates fail when the name of the input timeset isn´t the the name ...) created by imendez
If the name of the inputs timesets is not the same that the name of …
12:54 PM Ticket #205 (Error when we compile tol.dll) closed by danirus
fixed: I just talk with Cesar Pérez and Tol compiles fine under Visual C++ v6.0.
10:45 AM Ticket #205 (Error when we compile tol.dll) created by César Pérez Álvarez
When we try to compile tol.dll we obtain the following error massage: …

Nov 30, 2004:

8:54 AM Ticket #204 (Intersecciones vacías en TimeSet) closed by Jorge
duplicate: It's unclassified because it's related to stack allocation on Windows. …
8:54 AM Ticket #176 (Tol Base se cae cuando se intenta dibujar intersección vacía) closed by Jorge
fixed: Size of stack allocation is increased. This is not a final solution as …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.