Nov 29, 2007:
- 7:20 PM Ticket #527 (I can't find download page in english) closed by
- invalid: Don't worry Iván, don't have to swear at all... although I can swear …
- 5:32 PM Ticket #527 (I can't find download page in english) created by
- Hi, I can't find download page in english. Regards.
- 5:21 PM Ticket #526 (DatCh still not working!) created by
- Hello, this code does not work as expected: Serie sr = …
Nov 27, 2007:
- 6:53 PM Ticket #525 (Problem with Series Lazy Evaluation) created by
- I had an error inmersed into a estimation system that brings an …
Nov 26, 2007:
- 3:17 PM Ticket #524 (Replace fails when Old and New are the same) closed by
- fixed: First option is more efficient due it must do nothing in this case …
- 2:02 PM Ticket #524 (Replace fails when Old and New are the same) created by
- When you call the function Replace with the same character to be …
- 10:25 AM Ticket #523 (Compile a file consecutive several times makes TOLBase to crash) closed by
- fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS NameBlock members must be treated as …
Nov 24, 2007:
- 11:57 AM Ticket #523 (Compile a file consecutive several times makes TOLBase to crash) created by
- If we compile this file several consecutive times TOLBase will crash. …
Nov 21, 2007:
Nov 19, 2007:
- 10:21 AM Ticket #522 (crash when sub-ing matrices passing parameters of wrong dimensions) closed by
- fixed: Problem has been fixed in CVS at trunk and 1.1.6 branches, and also in …
Nov 17, 2007:
- 1:12 PM Ticket #522 (crash when sub-ing matrices passing parameters of wrong dimensions) created by
- Hi tolers, The following code makes Tol 1.1.7 to crash down. Matrix …
Nov 15, 2007:
- 3:32 PM Ticket #521 (Insuficient description of built-in function SparseLinearRegression) created by
- Function SparseLinearRegression doesn't explain how to fill a sparse …
Nov 14, 2007:
- 6:56 PM Ticket #520 (Error handling with series loaded from OIS) closed by
- fixed: In order to maintain backward compatibility, a new optional argument …
- 6:50 PM Ticket #520 (Error handling with series loaded from OIS) reopened by
- 4:24 PM Ticket #520 (Error handling with series loaded from OIS) closed by
- remind: When a referenceable object exist already with the same name of an …
- 4:15 PM Ticket #520 (Error handling with series loaded from OIS) created by
- If you loads a Monthly time serie from an OIS with a wider default …
Nov 7, 2007:
- 8:01 PM Ticket #389 (strange error message in DBCreateSeriesTable) closed by
- fixed
- 8:01 PM Ticket #485 (DBSeries makes the series global) closed by
- fixed
- 3:12 PM Ticket #393 (Error Messages provenient from Database) closed by
- fixed
- 3:12 PM Ticket #392 (Real Format in MetropolisHastings) closed by
- fixed
- 3:12 PM Ticket #363 (Problem with DBSeries) closed by
- fixed
- 3:08 PM Ticket #391 (An access to a function result (with SQL Server connection) produces a ...) closed by
- fixed
- 2:49 PM Ticket #344 (Tol is unable to free memory) closed by
- fixed: This is due to you has using default value of GlobalizeSeries = 1 …
- 2:46 PM Ticket #277 (Tcl_Eval (Tcl support with LoadLib)) closed by
- fixed: You have tolsh.exe to do this from version 1.1.5
- 2:08 PM Ticket #496 (Tol shutdown when editing inputs from inputs tree) closed by
- fixed
- 12:17 PM Ticket #484 (BDT File needs to finish with an empty line) closed by
- fixed: Problem has been solved in CVS. Next binaries of 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 will …
- 12:11 PM Ticket #490 (Solving fields indentification in parsing time) closed by
- remind
- 12:02 PM Ticket #436 (control de escritura en el log) closed by
- remind
- 12:01 PM Ticket #399 (Optional auto-scaling of variables as estimate enhancement) closed by
- wontfix
- 11:59 AM Ticket #276 (Decompilation ?) closed by
- fixed
- 11:54 AM Ticket #275 (ACF, PACF, IACF and IPACF in 64bits architecture) closed by
- fixed
- 11:53 AM Ticket #235 (Parsing problems with Matrix Literal declaration in a SetOfMatrix) closed by
- later
Nov 6, 2007:
- 3:27 PM Ticket #517 (missing function descrption) closed by
- fixed
- 10:04 AM Ticket #499 (Mistake in OIS) closed by
- fixed
- 10:01 AM Ticket #478 (Real 1/0 = 1/0 returns ?) closed by
- fixed
- 10:01 AM Ticket #478 (Real 1/0 = 1/0 returns ?) reopened by
- 9:59 AM Ticket #440 (MatSerSet does not work in year is less than 1583) closed by
- invalid
- 9:59 AM Ticket #440 (MatSerSet does not work in year is less than 1583) reopened by
- 9:58 AM Ticket #427 (Operations with unknown values don`t return unknown values) closed by
- fixed
- 9:55 AM Ticket #396 (FormatReal's enhancement: decimal symbol) closed by
- fixed
- 9:54 AM Ticket #346 (1+1+1 Not Equal SetSun(SetOfReal(1,1,1))) closed by
- fixed
- 9:54 AM Ticket #346 (1+1+1 Not Equal SetSun(SetOfReal(1,1,1))) reopened by
- 9:50 AM Ticket #245 (error in ObjectExist) closed by
- fixed
- 9:50 AM Ticket #245 (error in ObjectExist) reopened by
- 9:46 AM Ticket #170 (Problems with DifEq and Estimate when using Gaussian) closed by
- fixed
- 9:46 AM Ticket #170 (Problems with DifEq and Estimate when using Gaussian) reopened by
- 9:45 AM Ticket #97 (Time sets C, Daily and Diario don't work with higher frequencies) closed by
- fixed
- 9:45 AM Ticket #97 (Time sets C, Daily and Diario don't work with higher frequencies) reopened by
- 9:41 AM Ticket #17 (Binary version) closed by
- fixed: This enhancement was implemented at 1.1.5
- 9:41 AM Ticket #17 (Binary version) reopened by
- 9:40 AM Ticket #512 (Description of GibbsConstrainedMNormal) closed by
- fixed
- 9:37 AM Ticket #266 (Decopile in 'Archivos incluidos' window with F8) closed by
- fixed
- 9:36 AM Ticket #266 (Decopile in 'Archivos incluidos' window with F8) reopened by
- 9:36 AM Ticket #98 (Add a shortcut to clear log in log window of tolbase) closed by
- fixed
- 9:35 AM Ticket #98 (Add a shortcut to clear log in log window of tolbase) reopened by
Nov 2, 2007:
- 10:32 AM Ticket #519 (error when pussing the statistics button in a series chart) created by
- Hi guys, Once the following code is compiled, Matrix aux = …
Oct 30, 2007:
- 8:45 AM Ticket #518 (hold on functionality for graphics) created by
- I am missing the feelings, a warm hand to hold, the feeling of being, …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.